Chapter 43

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Hey, guys! Sorry for the long wait. I had finals all of last week and the week before that was crammed with homework, so I couldn't write this chapter. I got around to it as soon as I could though, so I hope you're happy. 

Mira: I know I am!

Meena: Mira, I missed you! You ready for an awesome story? 

Mira: Yes! Let's do this, Meena-chan! So without further ado, here is chapter 43!

            A shocked silence settled in the vicinity, and Nastu's grip relaxed on her forearm. Lucy took the chance to run, spite and anger coursing through her veins like poison. She knew her actions were rash, but in her grief and desire for revenge, she didn't care. She didn't think about the fact that she would be endangering her comrades who would surely run after her, or that Natsu had specifically told her not to do anything dangerous again. She wanted to hurt someone, she wanted Acnologia to bleed for what he had done. She wanted—

            Slim arms wrapped around her waist tightly just before she breached the mouth of the cave entrance, and she was yanked back. She turned around angrily, ready to yell at whoever had stopped her when she came face to face with a crying Levy, her eyes scrunched tightly together as she held onto Lucy with all her strength, the others waiting warily behind her. Lucy's anger dissipated. Levy had been her best friend for a long time now, and she had kind of become like a weakness for Lucy. She was as close to a sister as she had.


            The bluenette opened her eyes, seeming desperate as she looked at her.

            "Please, Lu-chan, don't do this. If you die, I don't know what I'd do with myself. Please, come back and let's talk things out, okay? Please." Her last please was so heart-breaking that the rest of Lucy's rage burned out until it was but a small flame flickering inside her. She nodded compliantly. Levy let her go, and grabbed her hand, squeezing it in her own. The others stood back warily, as if afraid she would suddenly take off again if they made any sudden move, which they were probably right about. Levy led her silently into the main cave, the others trailing silently behind her. Lucy could feel Natsu's gaze on her, but she didn't dare meet it; she felt guilty for doing something reckless twice now since she'd gotten here.

            Levy sat the blonde down gently, and wiped her tears, keeping a grip on Lucy's hand. The others settled in a loose circle around her, Porlyusica included, who seemed very disgruntled by Lucy's uncharacteristic actions.

            "Now, Lu-chan," Levy said waveringly. "What do you mean Acnologia killed Queen Layla? You told me no one ever knew who killed her, that there were no witnesses."

            "That's what I thought—or at least that's what I remembered until now," Lucy said darkly.

            Everyone looked at her uncomprehendingly.

            "What?" Levy asked. "What do you mean until now?"

            "Remember when I had a nightmare for the first time?" Everyone nodded. "Well that's when the memory I had of that night, where I walked into the room and found my mom already dead, it started changing. I know this sounds crazy, but I think my mom changed my memory."

            Everyone looked at her disbelievingly as Levy seemed to be mulling it over in her head, everyone except for Porlyusica, who, for some reason, seemed to be feigning surprise. She turned away as soon as Lucy's eyes met her own, and suspicion gripped her.

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