Chapter 28

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       Hello, minna! I'm so sorry, please don't kill me!! I know I haven't updated in forever, but well, I'm not gonna lie, I've been super lazy. But I was determined to at least give you guys one chapter this week, so here it is! By the way, I am on vacation currently in Jordan! How cool is that! Me and my friends are here on a trip together. So excited! So anyway, without further ado, here is chapter 28!   

          The three figures came out of the light, and the first one Lucy saw was a man dressed in a tuxedo step forward. He had wild orange hair that stuck up so that it looked like he had cat ears, green eyes, and he wore glasses.

          "My, my, Lucy-hime, may I say-" The cat guy started.

          "Loke!!" Gray yelled, interrupting the now known Loke.

          Loke looked over at Gray, and his eyes widened.

          "Gray?! What are you doing here?!" Loke exclaimed.

          "I could ask you the same thing, it's been so long, man!" Gray said as he went over to Loke and they did a very elaborate handshake before hugging.

          "Loke, it's been too long," Erza said, stepping over to Loke and crushing his head against her armor.

          "E-Erza, I see you're as strong as ever. Will you please release me, now?" Loke said, struggling to breathe.

          Once Erza released him, Cana slung an arm across his shoulders and said as she wiggled her eyebrows, "Loke! It's been so long, my man! Say, since we're both older now, I wonder how well you can hold your liquor."

          "So, you're a drinker, eh? My, you've grown up mighty fine, Cana," Loke said as he looked Cana up and down. "I'll take you on sometime."

          Gray leaned over and said to Loke, "She's undefeated throughout the whole castle you know? You'd better watch your back."

          "Really? Interesting... Now I'm even more excited," Loke said with a sly look in his eyes.

Lucy was feeling a little out of place as everyone was catching up. How did her friends know the prince? And why were they speaking so familiarly to him? So she cleared her throat, effectively getting everyone's attention.

           "If, I may," she began, turning to face her guards. "How do you know Prince Loke?"

          "Prince?!" exclaimed all three of her guards.

          "Loke, you're a prince now? This must be some kind of joke, right?" said Gray.

          "I agree, I couldn't picture Loke as a prince at all," said Erza, nodding her head.

          "Ditto. He'd probably get kicked out of the castle for flirting with all the girls," said Cana, laughing at the idea.

          As all three of Lucy's guards were laughing, Loke looked a bit irritated as he laughed dryly and said, "Sorry to disappoint you, but it's true. I am Prince Loke of the Kingdom of Celestial. It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Lucy-hime."

          Loke bowed and kissed Lucy's hand ever so smoothly, to which she curtsied in response. Her three guards went silent for a moment as they stared at Loke with wide eyes.

          "Well, what do you know?" said Cana. "Our Loke's a prince now."

          "I pity his kingdom..." said Erza as she stood in a corner, depressed.

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