16. - It's Time For Something Real

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Happy new year to all of you :) Well I hope you'll be pleased with the first Chapter this year. This time you can  read what Johnny's thinking and... I don't want to spoiler, but I hope you have fun :)

Johnny's PoV

I was driving through my hometown without an aim. I had a lot in my mind the last days and I couldn't sit anymore in my forsaken house. My car turned down in Matt's driveway and I killed the engine. I walked towards the door, opened it and let the dwellers know that I was there.

„What you're doing here?“ Val appeared on the stairs.

„Just wanted to hang out a little bit. Where's Matt?“ I asked.

„He had something to do with this band he supports. I don't know what exactly, but you're welcome to stay.“ While she was speaking I had sat down on the couch and ruffled Bella‘s fur. I didn’t say anything but lifted my head as I noticed Val staring.

„So what's on your mind? You seemed pretty in thoughts the last days and we all know you're not the great thinker.“

„You noticed?“ I asked and ignored her last comment.

„So tell me!“ I would like to talk about it, but I didn't want Matt and the guys to know. And if Val knew she would tell her husband. But on the other side Val is really great to talk to. „If you want I would keep it private, if it's that what you're thinking 'bout.“

„I don't want Matt to know 'bout this,“ I admitted. She just nodded and waited for me to start my story. „Well there is this girl I was...“

„Oh my gosh I knew it!“ She exclaimed before I could finish my sentence. „You like Kim!“

„What? How do you know?“ Is she a mind reader? How the fuck did she knew it?

„You two are so sweet together, you make a great couple…“

„Hold your horses! We're not a couple... It's just that I.. think...“ I didn't know how to say it.

„That you like her?“ She put it in the right way.

„Think you could say that,“ I admitted and my hand struggled in Bella's fur so she yelped and walked away. Fuck why did every woman walked away from me? Am I such a loser? Fuck yeah, like I didn’t know the answer. I mean the guys told me that every day. And then Kim came and she was like... I liked her from the beginning but more than a friend. But by the time I realized she was a woman and a hot chick by the way. And we had spent a lot of time together and the night we shared...

„Everything okay?“ Val interrupted my thoughts.


„I think you two would make a great couple. Why don’t you ask her out on a date?“

„A date?“ I frowned.

„You could go to a restaurant, or eat some ice cream at the pier or go to the movies. Something romantic but don't overplay it. Remember you have to work with her every day.“

Like I didn't know that! She wasn’t just a random girl, she was the girl who played in my fucking band. How was I supposed to get her out of my mind if I saw her every day? We were on tour for months and lived together in this little place. I had my own house but she spent there a lot of time and I didn't mind it.

She's not like the other girls I saw. She wore just some random shorts and big shirts, had messy hair and doesn't wear make up and still she's one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen.

„Thanks, Val,“ I said and she held out her cheek so I could kiss her. When I was at the door she yelled after me. „Don't fuck it up, Christ!“ Like I didn't knew that already! So I was in my car again and drove back to my mansion. I saw Kim's car before I saw her sitting on the hood.

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