Part 13 Chase

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Oh my god...

My legs began to shake at their own accord, the rest of my body having gone numb and immobile. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening right now.

"I told you to be patient, Natalie." Valentino sang, his golden eyes glowing at an impossible brightness.

Was that a vampire thing?

He was slowly advancing on me, making me have flash backs to the other night and what had gone down. I had to get out of here before something bad happened to me.

"There is no need to be afraid, Natalie." He said softly, his features anything but. "I would never hurt my small creature."

I felt like I'd just stepped into a movie or a novel. Things like this didn't happen in reality. Things like him just didn't exist. If they did, there would be more deaths.

My stomach dropped to the ground at the thought of Val having killed before. The thought was just too horrible. I had believed him to be some crazed man who kidnapped me, never going as far as murderer.

As my first defence, I grabbed the chair behind me and dragged it between the two of us, creating much needed distance.

Val only smiled. "Cute."

I gasped when he grabbed the legs of the chair, lifting it into the air before ripping it clean in half and throwing the remains to each side. I had never seen anything quite like it.

My body trembled in fear as he got closer and closer, until-

I picked up the knife I had been eating with and threw it directly at his chest. My eyes widened in disbelief as it stuck in the centre of his ribs as his eyes widened in fury.

Scared out of my mind, I pushed myself off the wall and ran towards the door. I couldn't even believe it when I made it through, no trouble.

My mind was running wild, my thoughts too jumbled to even process a thing.

I made it all the way down the hall when I heard him call, "You can't run and hide, Natalie. I created the game chase."

Swallowing my doubts, I continued running until I deemed it safe. The only problem being I had no idea when that would be.

I came to a halt when I realised I'd come to the entrance. A thought suddenly occurred to me and my heart leaped in my chest. Running to the doors, I tried to push it with all my might. Only, it wouldn't budge.

Lena's words earlier that morning echoed in m my head. "It's usually locked and bolted to keep out...unwanted presences."

I stumbled back from the door, tears springing to my eyes at the thought of being trapped in here with a monster that could potentially kill me. What had I done to the world to warrant such cruel events to occur in my miserable life?

"Natalie...His sickening voice sang, causing more tears to run down my cheeks.

I just wanted out-

The doors slowly began to creak open. I didn't even have time to question or be thankful as I heard his pace pick up at the sounds of the doors opening. I ran out, in nothing but my thin dress and slip on shoes, into the brutal cold.

My cheeks stung from the cold wind that beat across my face, my feet struggling to find grip as they slipped here and there.

I ran and ran until I reached the black water of the river. My heart beat slowed to a sluggish pace. I could end it here and now. I could end my constant fear and tears right this moment .

If I just jumped.

"Natalie!" I turned at the sound of his voice. He was stood with his hand reached out as if to grab me. He looked hesitant, as if he were scared if he moved, I'd jump.

He wasn't wrong.

"Stay back!" I shouted, my voice breaking.

Val's eyes softened. "Natalie, stand back from the river."

I look from him to the dark water that had earlier almost killed me. I felt my body getting colder and colder, my teeth chattering.


"Why do you care?" I screamed at him, my hair flying back from my face. "Why do you care whether I jump or not?"

"I'll explain everything to you if you just stand away." Val said, licking his bottom lip. I could see that he too was cold. How was that possible if he was dead?

I shook my head frantically. "You'll kill me." I mumbled, sounding crazed. "I know you will."

"I would never hurt you," he said darkly. "What happened the other night was a mistake."

"A mistake that I can't afford!" I yelled hysterically. "What if the next mistake you make is the cause of my death?!"

"It won't be." He said, sounding desperate. "Natalie, please-"

But I'd already made my decision. Sucking in a deep breath, I turned to look at Val one last time before turning and jumping into the icy water.

Only, my feet never touched, instead they hit what felt like concrete. I looked down to see that I was hovering above the water like earlier.

I turned my head to see Val intently staring at the river. Willing whatever supernatural magic that kept me floating, it would seem.

He doesn't want me to die. I realised with a punch to the stomach. His eyes slowly trailed up to my face, looking as though they were straining. With his lips he mouthed the words 'Please' to me.

I looked around my surroundings before making my final decision. Praying that he still wanted me alive, I ran the other direction, my feet still staying above the water until I reached the other side, my feet sinking into the snow.

I immediately began to run. Despite the cold and despite the heaviness that now hung over my heart.

"NATALIE!" I heard him roar behind me as I disappeared off into the icy land.

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