32 - An Embarrassment

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the characters, All rights goes to Voltage Inc. They make Otome games which inspired me to write this. Of course I do own 3 characters here ^_^ which is Clarisse and Rei and Jeffrey

*Joshua's POV*

I have some time off before I could start working again. I decided to visit Rei in her room. It was early in the morning, I got used to waking up this early. I went inside her room as saw her in her night gown, standing out the terrace.

I walked over to her with a smile,

"Good Morning..." I whispered behind her.

She turned around so fast with a shocked look on her face

"Oh, you surprised me." she laughed dryly. Well, atleast she's laughing.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her.

"Of course now that I'm here." She smiled. 

She walked up to me hesitantly and embraced me, I didn't know what to do at first but then I slowly hugged her back.

"I missed you." she whispered.

"Me too..." i mumbled as I kissed her forehead.

"When can I start my princess trainings?" she asked out of the blue.

"You... want to start already?" I asked incredilously.

"Yes, so we can get married as soon as possible." 

"Then, if you would like you can start today" I smiled at her words.

*Rei's POV*

I told Joshua I wanted to train so I could marry him ASAP but I just didn't want to make him so sad and lonely, I can't believe he knows about me loving someone else, I might as well pretend to love him back. Who knows? maybe someday I'll fall in love with him all over again.

He went out and informed Jan about my request, Jan entered my room and began telling me my schedule for the whole day.

Dance lessons, table etiquette, proper posture, elegance, horse back riding and a bunch of others too. Ugh, this unbearable!

I started the day with a nice long bath and went on with my trainings. By the end of the day, I was listening to Jan about my trainers' feedback.

After he told me, he left me for some time for myself.

I sighed heavily, The trainers' thinks I'm a mess. It's like I'm starting all over again. My table etiquette was, by far. the worst one.

I kinda lost it at horse back riding, I just sped off around the whole palace garden. Can they blame me? I missed being free and the adventurous times I felt when I was with the Sirius...

I took a shower and rest my sore muscles, I hated these lessons...


The next day

"Keep your chin up!" my dance instructor shouted.

It's been like this ever since we started, I couldn't perfect this dance.

"Stop!" he yelled. "Seriously, what has gotten into you? you were fine when you were here months before!" he shouted as he walked out of the ballroom.

Jan came forth and talked to me,

"Milady, the Queen is asking for your audience." He said curtly.

I sighed as I ran through the hallway, receiving weird looks from the maid as I passed by. Soon enough, I got into the throne room where the King and Queenis waiting for me.

"G-Good Morning... Your Highnesses." I panted as I said so, I shouldn't have ran.

'Good Lord, my dear! where are your manners?" The King said.

"I'm sorry." I replied with a bow.

"Haven't you been taught the proper way for this simple things?" The Queen snapped.

Simple things!? if it's so simple then why do I need to be taught!? I even need to be taught how to breathe, walk, bow, speak. Now she tells me it's simple!?

"My Apologies." I replied, bowing properly this time.

there waqs a long pause before the King spoke.

"The instructors tell us how unteachable you are." 

"My dear, please take things seriously from now on..." The Queen said. "It will be an embarrassment to us if and Joshua if you don't" she added.

I kept silent the whole time they lectured me, after half an hour, I went back and proceed on my princess trainings the whole day...


*Captain Morgan's POV*

"Men, Meeting!! Right now! I roared.

I heard them scurry into the navigation room as I shouted.

"We have a goal, and we're gonna do whatever it takes to accomplish it!" I said.

"What is it?" Thomas was the first one to spoke out.

I grinned mischievously as I looked at their curious faces.

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