22 - Being sick isn't so bad after all

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the characters, All rights goes to Voltage Inc. They make Otome games which inspired me to write this. Of course I do own 2 characters here ^_^ which is Clarisse and Rei and Jeffrey

-The Sirius-

*Eduardo's POV*

I woke up in the Sirius' clinic, What the hell happened?

I sat up and tried to remember. The only thing i remember was the enemy attacking, the storm and... Rei falling with me into the freezing ocean.

I stand up and went outside, looking for anyone I could ask, I saw Christopher outside. I strode up to him but I suddenly got a massive headache and i feel like I'm going to faint. I staggered then someone caught me before I fell, I saw Christopher.

"Eduardo! get back to the clinic and rest!" he ordered.

"Not until you tell me what happened." I said coldly.

"But you need to...." He stopped and sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you once you get to your bed inside the clinic." He added.


He helped me walk to the clinic and I sat down on the bed.

"So, what happened last night?" I needed to know the answer. Fast.

"We were attacked by the Navy at night. Then, it was storming..."

"I know that! how did I ended up in the clinic?" I stopped him and asked impatiently.

"Rei grabbed you to stop you from falling to the sea, but the ship rocked heavily and you both fell." He said while burying his face in his hands. "Nathan saved you two."

"What...." Everything came flooding back to me. That idiot!

"Where is she!?" I asked in panic.

"In your room." he replied with a worried look.

Tsk. I looked at the other bed in the clinic and it's destroyed, probably why Rei is in our room. I abruptly walked to my room and entered and saw Rei unconscious, she's still wearing the dress that Fuzzy gave her...

"Why did you try to save me..." I whispered as I sat on a nearby chair. Chris followed me and looked at Rei.

"She's so considerate and selfless... I wish she'd get better soon." He said sadly. I didn't reply though.

"Eduardo, get some rest." He added and walked outside to help clean up the mess yesterday.

I stared at Rei, hoping she would wake up, but sadly, she didn't. Stupid girl... why would she even put herself on danger to save a low-life like me? Her life is far more important than mine...

2 days later....

Nathan, Doc and I were in my room because Rei regained consciousness but she couldn't talk and she looks so tired and unhealthy.

"Not good, fever is still high." Doc said as he checked Rei's temperature.

Rei gave a dry cough as she hazily looked at us.

*Rei's POV*

Damn... My throat burns like hell everything i cough, It feels swollen and everytime I try to speak, I just end up flinching in pain. Even my eyes doesn't work properly, it's all foggy and my head hurts sooooo much!! and I can't even find the strength to move my fingers at all, so I can't really expect my body to move.

"Poor thing... her body is rejecting food and she just spits out the medicine when i give it to her..."

I think Christopher was the one that said that, I couldn't see them or hear them properly, but atleast I can still make out some words

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