17 - Duties

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the characters, All rights goes to Voltage Inc. They make Otome games which inspired me to write this. Of course I do own 2 characters here ^_^ which is Clarisse and Rei

-Dres Van's Ship-

*Jan's POV* (yey! Butler's POV!)

I watched from distance as His Highness and... Clarisse enjoys each other's 'company'

They're at the edge of the ship, fishing. I thought it was strange for His Highness to ask me where the fishing rods are, let alone take two of them.

How unusual for him to actually try something new and have fun...

In my opinion, I think they're spending too much time together...

No, I don't think His Highness is low enough to have an affair but still...

My thoughts were interrupted by Their laughing.

"I caught a fish!" yelled Claire happily

"How come I haven't caught one yet?" Prince Joshua impatiently said.

"Patience is the key and I'm used to this."

"How come?"

"It's one of my hobbies." She smiled at him.

"One of them? what are your other hobbies?" Prince Joshua curiously asked.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. They're too... Ugh, what's the word?

They're inseparable these days!

Rage and worry overtook my emotions as i stomped away from the two.

His Highness rarely even talk about Mistress Rei these days. It's always 'Claire this' and 'Claire that'

I pinched the bridge of my nose, I'm not saying that His Highness should always keep being melancholic about Mistress Rei's disappearance but!

He needs distance from Clarisse.

I'm not going to lie, Clarisse and Miss Rei is highly alike, the attitude, the elegance, almost everything!

I'm worried.... what if His Highness falls in love with Clarisse?

It's harsh for me to say it but it's possible. Clarisse resembles Miss Rei....

How do i prevent that?

My thinking was distracted by His Highness running toward me. wait.... running? since when did he even-

"Jan! I caught a fish!" He yelled excitedly.

Just then an Idea popped up.

"Claire taught me how to-"

"I'm sure Mistress Rei will be glad to hear you are enjoying yourself, hmm?" I said, my voice unexpectedly came out coldly

"I know she will, I want to find her as soon as possible."

His Highness' voice had changed from excited to lonely. So... he's still in love with Miss Rei, That's good news.

All of the sudden, Clarisse ran up to us.

"Awesome! you finally caught one!" he nudge Prince Joshua.

there it is again... She's acting too familiar with His highness.

Prince Joshua's face warped into happiness.

"Let's get cleaned up." Clarisse told His Highness.

"Alright." he answered.

"See ya, Jan!" Clarisse turned to me

I glared at her coldly, I didn't mean to. Clarisse looked at me, clearly confused.

"Your Highness, can you go ahead?" she said. Prince Joshua nodded and went to his room.

"Jan, something wrong?" she asked worriedly

"Oh, no, not at all." i said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"What is it?"

I cleared my throat before talking

"I think you're becoming a little too intimate with His Highness." I glared at her as I lower my voice.

"W-What?" she blushed.

Blushed... I knew it.

"Do you like him?"

"No! nothing like that!" She blushes harder.

"I see... " I looked at her emotionlessly. "listen, i don't want to be harsh but His highness is getting married to the person dearest to him. I hope you won't interfere because... His highness only see you as..." I thought for a second. "...a temporary replacement." I smiled.

"Stop it." She said as she tried to hold back the tears.

I sighed, I didn't want to make her feel bad but I have to do something about this.

"He's merely lonely because of Miss Rei's absence. You mean nothing to him."

As I said Miss Rei's name, a single tear escaped but she quickly wiped it away. I feel terrible.

"That's all, I think His Highness is waiting for you. Hurry along now." I smiled kindly as she hurriedly walk away.

I didn't want to say those but I have to...

I don't want to see Clarisse get hurt when His Highness find Miss Rei. It will be a total heartbreak for her.

*Clarisse's POV*

I hurriedly went back to my little dorm and cleaned myself up.

Why would Jan even say that to me... I just... I...

What hurts the most is all the things he said, was true.

I'm just a temporary replacement, once His Highness' true love returns, I'm simply going to be forgotten

I didn't even realized that I was already crying like hell, Ugh, I better hurry up, His Highness is waiting for me...

His Highness...

Yeah, know what? I'll just enjoy our time together as it lasts. I smiled at the thought.

Once His Highness finds Miss Rei... I, myself will leave them alone...

"Claire, it's almost sunset, let's watch it."

I heard the familiar voice of His Highness as he knocked on my door, that alone made me smile warmly.

I wiped away my tears as i went out to greet him. We went to our usual spot, the Crow's nest, to watch the sun set.

I peeked down, there I saw Jan, staring sadly at us...

I'm sorry, Jan. I want to enjoy it as it lasts...

I looked back at Prince Joshua, he's smiling at the view.

"You're smiling." I whispered.

"Yeah, I remembered something." he grinned


"I always experience new things when I'm with Rei. I remember the first time I took her to see a sunset." he smiled, he looks so happy when talking about her.

"What's it like?" i asked, though it pains me to see him love someone else...

"In the middle of the night, we snuck out and waited for the sunset a little far away from the castle. I confirmed my feelings for her that time."

"Isn't Dres Van known for being so strict? Didn't you get any trouble?" I asked.

"Rei taught me to make my own choices, just like how I chose her, a commoner, to be my princess. I never regretted that choice."

I nodded as he told me these, after a while we just watched the magnificent sunset in a comfortable silence.

This looks like the beginning of my unrequited love.

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