27 - Dres Van meets the Sirius

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the characters, All rights goes to Voltage Inc. They make Otome games which inspired me to write this. Of course I do own 2 characters here ^_^ which is Clarisse and Rei and Jeffrey

-Dres Van Ship-

*Joshua's POV*

Weeks gone by as we headed South, we passed by a couple of islands.

"Your Highness! A ship!" Jan yelled from outside my room.

I walked out and used my binoculars to see the ship.

"Speed up to that ship." I ordered. These few days has really been gloomy, Claire isn't herself either.

Soon after, we were close to the ship

"We would like to talk to the Captain of this ship!" Jan yelled at the crewmen at the deck.

"Shut up, we're busy!" a blonde guy yelled back at Jan.

We saw the blonde guy get hit in the back of the head by a fat woman.

Just then, we heard laughing and saw a man wearing a red coat walking over the edge of that ship.

"Whaddya want?" He said in an amused voice.

"Are you the captain of this ship?" Jan asked.

"Of course I am!" He laughed.

"Do you happen to know who the Sirius is?"

"Yes" he replied as he turned serious

"Where did you last saw them?" Jan asked.

"You're looking at them." He replied as he glanced at his crewmen.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. this is the Sirius? then that means...

"Rei!" I yelled as I swing using a rope to jump on board the Sirius.

My crew followed me as the Sirius readied their weapons.

"Where is Rei?" I asked as i glared at each one of them.

"Who wants to know?" a man with a bandana asked emotionlessly.

I was about to introduce myself but stopped as I saw someone going up from below the deck.

It's Rei.

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