16 - Pirates and Commoners

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the characters, All rights goes to Voltage Inc. They make Otome games which inspired me to write this. Of course I do own 2 characters here ^_^ which is Clarisse and Rei

-At the Sirius' Ship-

Three days later....

I was always checking the map in the Navigation room. Morgan said it's my job to make sure it's not stolen because some pirate ships are very sneaky...

I currently have nothing to do so I took the map out and studied it. I'm having a hard time understanding it.

"You're here."

Someone said, it f*ckin' surprised me which made me shriek. I turned around to see Eduardo with the same shocked look as i have before it turns into his usual cocky grin.

"What the hell?" I asked, trying to calm my beating heart.

"What? Didn't you hear me come in?"

"Obviously not! Captain told me to check the map everyday to make sure it's not stolen." I explained

"That's a big responsibility" he smirked.

"Plus, Nathan told me to calculate the food expenses." I smiled "Pretty easy but I forgot what to do about a few numbers." I facepalmed.

"What numbers?" he asked while eyeing the notebook at the desk.

"I already know how to get the answer, I just have to solve it."

I said as I show him the formula written on the notebook.

"Are you... stupid?" he asked.

"How mean! i'd rather be called a 'dumbass' or be fed into various kinds of animals." I pouted.

"Nevermind, I'm just enjoying your reaction." he chuckled. "You went to school, right?" he asked.

"Of course but I was working two jobs and studying at the same time, so sometimes I can't focus in class, especially math." I replied.

"In a word, you hate math."

"Exactly." i grinned.

He took a deep breath and sat down on the chair.

"Alright, I'll teach you to follow the formula, but I'm very strict. Get ready."

Shit, what have I got myself into? Is he gonna punish me if i make mistakes?

"You look like you're looking forward to getting punished by me." he smirked.

"W-What!? I'm not!" i blushed furiously as I sat down.

He showed me how to calculate and follow the confusing formula.

"What the heck do I do with the decimal point?" I asked.

"Round off the small numbers." he calmly replied.

I did as i was told. I couldn't help but realize how cool he is.

Just then, Eduardo hit my forehead with a pen.


"If you have time to look at me, look at the notebook!" he glared.

"Okay, okay."

"Next, one gold coin is worth ten silver coins. a piece of meat costs one gold coin. five bananas are equivalent to a piece of meat. what's the price of the banana?"

What the heck? gold and silver coins? they use those?

"You use gold and silver coins to pay?" I asked incredulously.

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