29 - Yamato

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own any of the characters, All rights goes to Voltage Inc. They make Otome games which inspired me to write this. Of course I do own 2 characters here ^_^ which is Clarisse and Rei and Jeffrey

-Dres Van Ship-

*Rei's POV*

Joshua and i went in his room on the ship. I sat down on the bed, staring at nothing as I thought things through.

I left the Sirius now... I'm with the person I love, or should I say, the person I used to love...

"Rei... are you alright?" Joshua asked with a worried smile.

"Yeah... I... just wasn't expecting you to fine me today." i gave off my fake smile

"I missed you so much..." he said as he hugged me.

"Me too." I smiled.

"Wait for me right here, I'm going to give instructions to the men." he said.

He left me in my room.

... I want to stay with the Sirius. I want to go back...

I cried silently as I thought about them.

*Joshua's POV*

I grinned widely as i give out instructions, I finally found her. After months of searching, we're finally back together.

"Set sails to Yamato!" I told them.

"Yamato?" Jan asked me.

"I promised Claire to take her back once I found Rei." i smiled at him

He just nodded and went back to his business.

"Your highness?" Claire asked behind me.

"Hello." I said with a smile.

"I'm happy for you." she smiled.


"You finally found your beloved." She added, It must be my imagination but I thought i saw her smile falter a little.

"Yes... we're going to Yamato."

"Yamato?" She asked, wide eyed.

"Yes, I promised to take you home once I find Rei" I smiled.

"I see... thank you." she smiled sadly as she walk away

Is there something wrong? Shouldn't she be happy to be able to return home?

I shrugged it off and went back to my room. I saw Rei crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked, a bit panicked.

"Oh! it's nothing!" she laughed as she wipe her tears away.

"I know it's not 'nothing', I've known you for quite some time so i know you're lying." i replied.

"I-It's just..." she sobbed.

"What is it?"

"Nevermind..." she replied as she stop herself from shedding more tears.

"... Do you... want to stay to that foul ship?" I asked.

"The Sirius is not foul." she defended quickly.


"I'm... j-just, I'll miss them." she replied.

"And by them, do you mean a specific person?" i asked.

"W-What do you m-mean?" she lied.

It was obvious, that pirate with the eyepatch, I saw how Rei looked at him...

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