The Haunting of Mission Creek High

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You know that dream I had a couple of nights ago where Chase left me and I totally lost my mind because of it? Well it happened again. I seriously think my subconscious is trying to tell me something but I really don’t want to listen to it. Adam, Bree and Leo might not believe it but I am so deeply in love with Chase that if something like that ever happened…I don’t know how I could go on.

Okay now that I think that over in my head, it sounds so much cheesier when on replay.

I groaned as I made way out of bed and did my normal and boring routine. School, ugh, how I despise thee. I think adults decided to create school so kids and teenagers knew was hell felt like…especially if you go to a school called Mission Creek High School.

And as I made my way into said hell, the only people who made less of a hell were standing by my locker laughing. I smiled as I reached Adam, Bree and Chase.

“Hey guys,” I interrupted whatever conversation they were having.

Chase wrapped me in his arms and placed a soft kiss on the corner of my lips and I pouted. He laughed before kissing my lips this time. I was surprised I didn’t hear Adam and Bree complain about the personal display of affection.

“Morning Katie,” Bree chirped and Adam smiled.

Not too long after, Bree and I were talking about the upcoming dance and Chase and Adam started talking about new inventions Davenport was coming up with. Some of the stuff sounded stupid and dangerous all on its own so I stayed out of it. Bree giggled “This will be the first dance Owen and I will be attending together and I am so excited for it. Are you and Chase going?”

“I honestly have no idea Bree,” I replied as I looked over to my boyfriend “The last dance we attended kind of was a disaster.” I told her thinking of the dance where Chase asked Danielle to the dance when he planned on going with me. I don’t like to think about it.

“But don’t you remember what happened after?” Bree smiled “You and my brother became the ultimate couple. Just look where you two are now.”

I smiled. I guess she was right. I mean Chase and I have been together for a long time and have been through a lot. And it was all because of that first dance that this happened.

“I’ll ask him,” I said and that was the end of the conversation because all four of us heard a noise coming from the gym.

We looked over to find Leo’s head pop out from behind the gym doors “Hey guys. Have you ever had that nightmare where you’re standing in the middle of the school in nothing but your birthday suit?” Leo asked “Well it’s happening to me!”

Leo came out with nothing but a towel on and I had to bite my lip hard to stop laughing. I couldn’t help but think it was funny but at the same time I felt really bad for the little guy “Someone stole my clothes in the shower.”

“Well,” Adam started “When I lose something, I find it helps to ask yourself ‘Where’s the last place you saw it?’”

Leo just looked at him “On my body.”

“And you definitely checked there?”

“That is so mean,” Bree said “Who would do that to you?”

Trent came out wearing all of Leo’s clothes “Figures it would be him.” I said and everyone nodded in understanding.

“Trent, you took my clothes?”

“Well yeah,” Trent replied “How else am I supposed to play Attack of the Giant Trent? Fe Fi Foe Fom, I smell the blood of a wimpy one!” Trent then proceeds to get up in Leo’s face and Leo flinched “Get it? It’s you.”

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