Goofed Up (pt 2)

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The next two hours were hectic. Chase tried to reset their bionic chips by encrypting a password into Davenport's files but found there was nothing about resetting their chips. Adam was walking around in circles repeating "Us fix! Us fix!" over and over again until I had had enough.

"Adam! Would you shut up for a few minutes! We're doing the best we can."

He shut up after that and I smirked at him.

Bree was texting on her phone and I rolled my eyes "Really Bree? Really? In a time like this?"

"HeyI'mateenagegirl. Ineedtotext!"

Throwing my hands up in the air, I huffed and turned back to the screen before Chase and I. Chase was still trying to find a way to fix their bionics. All I could do was watch him. I mean, what could I do? I wasn't a super smart bionic teen with the abilities to do cool things. I was a normal human who couldn't figure out how to fix a toaster.

Chase threw his hands up as if to say "This is pointless," and point to the screen.

I sighed and looked around the room again, trying to come up with a plan but realized I had nothing "Yeah, I got nothing. I still don't see why you needed my help."

Bree scoffed and placed a small hand on my shoulder "Chasejustwantedanexcusetohaveyouover."

"You do realize I still can't understand you, right?"

"Finethen!" Bree pouted and walked back over to Leo's assistant desk.

"Time last out figure we did what?" Adam said and I had to pause to think what he said over. When I had finally caught up, I looked to Chase.

"Didn't you guys go into Chase's capsule barefoot or something?" That was all I really could remember that day. Although it was funny to watch Leo squirm all day. I'm mean, I know. But Leo makes it so easy to mess with him.

All of sudden, Chase kissed my lips and smiled down at me. He mouthed something to me as we heard Bree and Adam groan "What was that?" I asked not catching his lip movement.

I love you.

Smiling I said "I love you too."

Chase then proceeded to walk over to his capsule and step inside. A female voice came over the speakers in the lab "Commencing reseting." Chase's capsule started vibrating and Chase closed his eyes. The door opened and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Work it did?"

Chase stumbled out "I don't know? You tell me."

I gave a huge sigh and hugged him "Is everything back to normal?" I asked placing my hands on both sides of his face and inspected it. Chase chuckled and pulled me closer as Adam got in the capsule and did the same thing Chase did.

Adam came out of the capsule with an idiotic smile on his face "It worked! I'm not talking backwards anymore!"

Bree soon followed and came back out. She ended up pulling me away from Chase's arms and tackled me in a hug "I can talk at a normal speed now! Now we can have a normal conversation without me getting fed up with you."

I couldn't help it, I laughed "You frustrated? What about me? You were talking miles per minute that my head felt like it was spinning."

"I, for one, am just glad that everything is back to normal." Bree said.

I sighed and looked at the clock "Crap! I left Jade for three hours! I have to go! See you guys later!"

Giving Bree and Adam hugs and then kissed Chase's cheek, I dashed off as fast as my feet could carry me. Luckily for me, my dad wasn't home yet. So I quietly opened the door and made my way upstairs.

Jade's light was still on and I knocked. She opened the door and smiled "Hey! What took you so long? Did everything go okay with your boyfriend's sister?"

"Boyfriend's sister? Oh! Yeah! Sorry it took so long. She can be a handful sometimes," I mostly lied. The last part was kinda true. I mean, have you seen her?

I noticed that her laptop was still opened but the screen was black and I remember our conversation before I left "So, now that I'm back, tell me about this Jack person? I want details."

Jade started blushing as she closed the door behind her.

For the rest of the night we ended up talking until three in the morning. She told me more about her love for gymnastics and how she was going to for a scholarship but didn't tell anyone at home why she was leaving on exchange. I was amazed at how amazing she was. Taking karate and gymnastics all while maintaining her social life. I have a hard time keeping up with my boyfriend alone.



Not a lot happened after that.

Luckily for Adam, Bree and Chase, Davenport never found out about their little mishap in the lab.

I introduced Jade to Marcus and his sister Lisa who were more than happy Leo was gone. I wasn't use to the pleasant conversations with Marcus considering how much Leo hates Marcus...and he expresses his feelings all the time. Honestly it's exhausting!  I don't understand why Leo is against Marcus so much. He's a really nice guy.

The Davenport's and I went to Jade's gymnastic's meet and let me tell you...she's freaking amazing! It almost made me want to trying gymnastics out...I said almost. Are you kidding me? I'm not THAT flexible!

And soon Jade's time with us was over and we set off for the bus station. I was sad to see Jade go.

Everyone said their short goodbyes and I was the last one waiting "I can't believe you have to leave already!"

"I know! These past two weeks have been awesome!"

We ended up exchanging numbers and I hugged her tightly.

"Bus to Seaford is now boarding. I repeat: Bus to Seaford is now boarding."

Jade picked up her duffel bag and sighed "Well, I guess this is." She smiled and waved goodbye as the bus' doors closed and the bus drove off. I sighed and turned to the Davenport's.

"I'm gonna miss her."

"Yeah and now we have to put up with Leo. He's worse." Adam groaned and Tasha slapped his shoulder "I mean, I missed the little guy. I can't wait to see him." Adam turned to Tasha "Good enough for you?"

Tasha nodded although she wasn't happy that Adam was being sarcastic.

I won't admit this to anyone and if you rat me out, I'll deny the whole thing, but I have missed Leo. It was weird not seeing his face at school and him making a snark comment.

"Bus from Seaford is now arriving at South entrance. I repeat: Bus from Seaford is now arriving at South entrance."

I sighed "And here we go."

We waited as passengers flocked off the bus.

"Does anyone see him?" Tasha asked.

"Move it people! Move it!" A squeaky voice came from the crowd.

Chase scoffed "No but I can definitely hear him."

"I am back!" Leo said as he shoved his way past crowds of people "You may now applaud!"

All he got was a bunch of groans and a couple sarcastic voices saying "Yay."

Leo scoffed "Hey!"

AN: Well thats it! I had fun writng these three chapters. Thank you for asking me do this with you fire_and_flames1881!

Sorry if this chapter was rushed! Next time it'll get better!

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Lab Rats: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now