Chapter 3

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I was walking into the library. The librarian was sitting in we desk in from of the the entrance. I went to the back, left corner of the library. Three rows down from that corner was the poetry section. There was no one there. I waited and decided to read some of Edgar Allan Poe. My favorite poet in horror.

Someone's two fingers went onto the top of the book and my book was slowly pushed downwards. I looked up and there was little opened between the row of books and Jackson was on the other side I the bookshelf. "Hello Ana Smith, I thought you wouldn't show." He greeted.

"Why would you think that?" I asked. Jackson walked around the bookshelf towards me and answered, "Because I assumed that you would of thought of me of the popular guy who would keep his promise." I explained to him, "Well I don't think like that. I would want I get to know the person before I determine if there a cool or if there a bitch." Jackson giggled. We sat against the wall to begin the songwriting process.

Jackson took out a few pieces of paper and handed it to me. I read one of then and I said, "Tell me. what is this song about?" He explained, "It's about a guy who has broken up with this girl and he is singing about the good time they had."

I looked at it and said, "when you say I miss her smile, I miss her eye after that you could say Even though it's been awhile, you still make me want to cry." He looked at me and whispered, "that's a great idea."

I looked at the clock and it was 4:45. "I have to go. I'm going to be late for curfew." I told Jackson. "Can you meet me here again tomorrow after school?" he asked. "Sure." I answered. I walked out. As I was leaving I heard Jackson yelling my name. When he caught up to be he said, "I should walk you home. So I know you get home safely." I felt like blushing. "Okay." I replied trying not to let see my tomato red face.

When we got to my house Jackson walked me up to my porch. "Thank you for helping me. Hope you'll be there tomorrow." He said. "Don't worry. I'll be there." I replied. "See you tomorrow." Jackson said as he was walking away. "Bye." I waved back and walked into my house.

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