Chapter 4

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As I was walking in my dad was yelling, "Ana Smith. It is 5:15. Where the hell were you and why were you with that boy?" I gulped and explained, "He is a songwriter in a band and he wanted me to help him with some songs." My dad screamed, "Don't you god damn lie to me. Why would a songwriter need your help. Tell me the truth." I told him, "I am telling the truth." My dad grew furious. He yelled, "God damn it Ana! You better not of had sex with the boy!" I yelled, "I am telling the truth. Why can't you jut believe me!"

Right when I said that my dad instantly smacked me across the face. I fell to the ground. Tears started running down my face. My dad then grabbed me by the shoulders and lifted me up to my feet. "Don't you ever raise your voice in front of me. Do you understand?" I nodded my head 'yes'. My dad pushed me to the ground. "The next you raise your voice I'm grabbing the belt and putting on you back." He yelled furiously.

I laid there crying. I felt my cheek where my dad smacked me. It was swelling. I pushed myself up and walked to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and my bed and took out my diary.
I wrote I my diary,

Dear Mommy,
It has been 8 years since you left us. I miss you a lot. Daddy is still hitting me. Just now he smack me to the ground. I feels like my cheek is swelling. I know your going to come back for me soon but could you hurry it up. I don't know how much I could take of this. Please hurry before it's too late.

You daughter,
Ana Smith

I closed my diary and placed it under my bed. I lied down on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

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