Chapter 29

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After forcing myself into a dress I crawled down the corridor to the dining hall. I made it half way and had to sit and lean against the wall. I cried in pain as I ached and hurt all over. I caught my breath and continued to crawl.

I made it to the dining hall after what felt like hours of dragging myself along the floor. When the voice instructed me to enter I pulled myself in and climbed onto the chair wincing as I sat.

My heart raced and pounded at what was coming. There was going to be more pain. I knew it.

I was going to be in a lot of trouble.

I sat and awaited his arrival. My palms were sweaty and I was shaking in fear. Maybe this was my last day?

Maybe the pain might get too much?

Maybe I might die?

Would that be a bad thing?

My thoughts were interrupted by Craig entering the room. He looked fairly calm.

I was supposed to stand on his arrival but I couldn't. I just remained sat down.

"What your not going to stand for me?" He said fairly calmly. He almost sounded as though he didn't want to make me scared but almost feel guilty.

"I can't," I murmured but I didn't have the energy.

"You know, what you did was wrong. You shouldn't have tried to escape. Now you're all alone. Serves you right really. And to think I thought you knew better."

"What did you expect me to do? Live like a prisoner and be happy?" I tried to shout but it didn't work.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to? Because trust me I've got more power than you could ever imagine! Be careful."

I didn't comment. I also didn't look him in the eye. I couldn't bare it. I continued to look at the table where my natural eye line fell.

"Well?" He questioned.

I continued to zone him out. I knew pain was coming soon I figured I would just embrace it and make things worse. Why not really? I was going to die here anyway!

I cried as I stared. I desperately tried to be strong but I couldn't bare it. I bit my lip as I attempted to hold back the tears.

He began to stand up and head towards me. I leaned back but fell gracefully onto the floor. I lay there and tried to push myself back up to a wall.

"How dare you?" He yelled over me.

He raised his fist.

I winced preparing for the pain.

But something stopped him.

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