Chapter 15

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Almost instantly I looked at room number one and then room number two. I decided to go for it. Quickly I knocked on both doors before my mind could stop me.

I took a deep breath of relief when I had done it that no alarms went off or anything. Now I just waited for a reply.

"Enter," the voice boomed. I couldn't enter the dining hall now. I needed them to answer the doors. I could have missed my chance. I pretended to mess with my shoe to kill time.

"Enter," the voice rang out again making me realise I had no choice. I didn't think they were going to answer anyway. I walked into the dining hall and took a seat. While I sat and waited I thought about how I could get them to answer because obviously they didn't want to get into trouble and get a strike. They may have had four strikes and after all it is five strikes and your out. It haunts me.

I felt as though the whole thing was a big game. The whole five strikes and your out thing makes me feel as though it is some sort of game. Some sick messed up game.

I wondered who were the people running this scheme. How would it begin and why?

"Stand," I was instructed and did as I was told as he walked in.

"Alright," he nodded.

"I'm ok thank you,"

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Sorry did I miss something,"

"You're not going to return the kindness?" He snapped.

"Are you alright,"

"Not really,"

"Shame" I mumbled under my breath.

"Ask me why," he instructed.

"Why?" I asked sarcastically.

"Why? Because someone is trying to mess with the scheme around here. Someone has been knocking on other girls doors. Like five minutes ago, I wonder who that could have been,"

I bit my lip. It was me but how did he know? I was so scared.

"I'm not sure."

"Are you lying to me? Because God help you if you are- your life wouldn't be worth living!"

"It already isn't," I said and the conversation ended quickly.

"Are you testing me?"

"Why would I?" I questioned.

"Don't answer me back! You should love me!"

"How can I love you when I don't even know your name!"

At this point I was really angry. It all kicked off quickly but I wanted to get out of this hell hole. I didn't care if that was getting out dead or alive, I was at that point now.

"You wanna know my name? I tell you what I'll tell you my name and I'll teach you a lesson."

He stood up and I prepared for the beating I was about to get.

He began to approach me. My heart was racing and pounding. He got closer and closer.

All of a sudden the room was alight with a red flashing light. A loud alarm sounded hurting my ears and making me jump out of my skin.

"Fire, please collect your possessions and evacuate," the voice rang over alongside the alarm.

I didn't have any possessions, any I needed anyway. Then I realised we were the possessions. He yanked me by the arm and pulled me towards the door he came through.

My plan came together quicker than I ever imagined. I was so happy but scared at the same time. Maybe this was my chance to escape.

"Where are we going?" I yelled.

"Out of the bunker!" He shouted over the alarm.

Bunker? I didn't realise we were in a bunker. That must be why there is no natural light. Maybe once we were out I could escape.

This was it, we were at the door I had been trying to get to for days.

Sorry this update has took so long I had a bit of a block but I know where I'm going now. Hope your enjoying it, let me know if you like it - bye X

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