Not a chapter

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Hi everyone

I'm sorry if you thought this was a chapter but please keep reading.
I hope you all like my book- I appreciate every read, vote and comment I get very much. To be honest you must all be very patient because I'm rubbish at uploading and my spelling is pretty mediocre.
Please let me know what you think of the book so far and if there is any direction you want the story to go please let me know. At the minute I've got two ideas - one of them will mean the story will end soon which would mean it is quite short but the other one could keep it going a bit longer.
If I did the shorter one I could always do a sequel if people wanted me too or just leave it there. Both of them end the same its just the length. Please let me know which one you would prefer so I know you'll like what I'm writing.

Once again thank you so much and I hope you're all enjoying it. Xx

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