Chapter 14

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I awoke on my bed back in my room. My head was spinning so many thoughts were coming to me.

Before now I had only had a vague memory of Joe back home. I knew I loved him and he loved me and I could remember his name. Now I remember how much I really loved him and the fact he was going away to America. I couldn't wave him goodbye because I was here. Kidnapped.

I realised just how much I missed him. Loads. And he must think I didn't care anymore because I didn't come to say goodbye. If I returned home now they must hate me. Then again I'm sure they would understand - I didn't do this on purpose right?

Then I remembered what has just happened. The strike. The abuse.

He had beaten me because I had gained a strike. I didn't do it intentionally but the thought he was completely reckless and would do something like this made me more destined on escape.

Somehow I had to escape without getting any more strikes because I would surely be noticed and found out.

The only problem was I couldn't escape and leave all of the other girls in here who were suffering. This gave me and idea for the new step one of the plan. Get other girls involved. How I would do this was beyond me but somehow I would do it.

I engraved the plan into my head.

~stage one is to get other girls involved. Possibly when waiting to enter the dining hall, checking the area for cameras and knocking on someone's door. Or even possible using the window in my room to the other girl.
~ stage two was to make him trust me. I needed to get on his good side to even have a chance of getting through that door. The other girls could get there boys to trust them too.
~ stage three was once I got through the door to find an exit. I had to find a way to get out of the building and quickly.
~ stage four was once I was our I had to go to the police or just some for of civilisation and report what was going on.

The plan seemed easy enough yet I knew this was going to be one rollercoaster ride.

I needed to get home and save mom, I needed to apologise to Joe because I missed him more than anything now I had a clearer memory of him. 

The voice boomed over for me to get ready and to head to the date room. I guess I hadn't been passed out for very long. I headed into the bathroom wearily because of the pain.

Everything ached.

As I took each step I could feel my Chet burn. The taste of blood lingered in my mouth as I continued walking. My head was spinning and I fell down a few times. It took me a lot to pick myself back up and carry on but once I reached the bathroom I sat on the toilet lid and looked in the mirror.

I saw a completely different me. A beaten worn down one. My face was blue and black and my makeup was everywhere. I had little blood stains in various places and couldn't bear the sight. I cleaned myself up with a wet cloth which stung and hurt like mad. The pain was immense.

I cried a bit as I wiped clean my face. Gently I applied new fresh makeup, concealing all of the bruises only leaving small blemishes and a very orange face. I tied my hair up because I didn't have time to wash out the dried blood. I felt like I was in a horror movie.

I got dressed and left the room. As o waited out side the date room I had a sudden brain wave.

Why not start the plan now? I had nothing to lose and I decided it was now or never.

Sorry for the short chapter! I never do authors notes but I had seen the views had gone up and I wondered if people are actually reading my story? It would be lovely to know if you are and if you could let me know what you think. Thank you so much and I hope you are enjoying it. Tori x

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