Chapter 16

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The door didn't lead to what I thought it would. It lead to a large set of stairs. Multiple flights of stairs lay before me and I realised this was the most exercise I had done in weeks. I took a deep breath and continued to run as he dragged me along.

He gripped tightly onto my arm leaving a burning pain as he held tightly. He obviously knew my plan.

"I'm out of breath!" I yelled over the alarm.

"For God sake Ellie!"

"My name isn't Ellie!"

"Don't correct me, your name is Ellie," we continued to yell over the pounding alarm. My head banged and my heart raced.

"I can't keep up,"

"Ellie I swear in a minute I'm going to get so annoyed!" Instantly he turned around and threw me over his shoulder. We began to continue up the stairs that seemed to be endless. They went on and on. At least I didn't have to do any work. I just lay there helpless covering my ears. 

That's when I saw an end to the stairs- civilisation. I needed to be on the ground to escape though.

"Put me down, I've got my breath back,"

"Your not making me lag behind, I've got to get to the shelter before everyone else does!" He yelled.

This one phrase made questions run through my mind. What was the shelter? And why did we need to be there first? I didn't understand.

There was a door at the end of the corridor which we were heading to. I was close to the edge. We approached and I prepared to see maybe a countryside with animals running around or a busy city. Maybe someone would see me and help me get out.

My plan was as soon as the door opened to yell "kidnap" as loud as humanely possible.

We approached the door and he grabbed the handle nearly dropping me. He yanked it open to reveal what was on the other side.

Fresh air hit my face and I leaned up from over his shoulder to have a peek. A thin walkway lead to a warehouse. Both sides were barb wired and the floor was muddy. There was nothing around except for a field. No civilisation.

"Kidnap," I yelled.

"What are you doing?" He said as he began to walk because we were safely out of the building, "no one is around except the staff here!"

"I need saving," I cried.

"Tough, your with me now!"

We continued our way to the warehouse in silence. It was a short walk, probably only 50 metres but I took in the fresh air for every bit of it. That's when we entered the warehouse.

Two large metal doors guarded the front. They opened on our arrival and closed once we were in. When they were safely shut I was lowered to the floor.

I looked around to see large metal boxes with a padlock on the outside they looked like big safes like you keep your money in. Up ahead was a door saying "accomodation". I presumed that's where we would be going so I began walking in that direction when I was yanked back strongly by an arm.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked.

"To the accomodation," I said.

"No,no, possessions go in a locker!" He shouted.

"A locker? I'm not an object!" I yelled.

"Yes you are, now come on,"

He led me towards a large metal locker and put a code in the padlock. The door opened to reveal a big empty room with just a bench and a disgusting toilet, almost like a prison cell.

"Go on then," he said and tried to shove me in.

"In there?" I questioned. My hands began to shake.

"I can't risk losing you, you are worth a lot of money."

"Will anyone else be with me?" I asked.

"No, each of us have our own locker, have a nice time," he said.

With that the door shut behind me quickly and I heard the padlock click. I pushed the door but it wouldn't budge.

It was pitch black and I couldn't see a single thing. It was too dark so I had to wait for my eyes to adjust. When they did I could make out the vague shape of the bench do I made my way and sat down.

That's when I began to cry. For a long time. I was trapped and there was no way of escape. Even if I did, the barb wire stopped me.

This was my life.

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