Chapter 12

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Dinner number 2 was approaching.

I still had an aching pain in my back from the strike but I had to plough through. I couldn't find a dress that covered the tattoo because all of them were small and skimpy. I put one on that only showed a slight bit of the tattoo from the gap by my lower back. I hoped that he didn't notice.

It occurred to me that I didn't even know his name. I couldn't remember wether he had told me and I wasn't listening or if he just didn't tell me. Probably because he spent to long renaming me. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I figured I had a bit of spare time before lunch so I did what I always do - think.

I sat on my bed and just thought about an escape plan. There was only one way out and that was through the door where "he" comes in. I needed to somehow get through that door. Maybe with "the other one" it would have been possible but now I felt like I had no chance - especially as stage one had been disrupted. I needed to get him to trust me.

The new plan was in place and stage one was to kiss up to him as much as it made me cringe. I needed to make him trust me firstly. The next step made me want to cry but I had no choice.

I had to beg him to spend the night with him - at his house. I had to.

That way he would take me out of the door and back to his place. While spending the night there when he is asleep I will make my way out.

The only problem was when I escaped where did I go? I could have been anywhere in the world and I had no recollection of where I used to live. I wouldn't know how to get home. I needed to get to somewhere where there were people who could help me such as a police station. But I wouldn't know how to get there. I needed to get anywhere back into civilisation so someone could help me. Then it crossed my mind what if they didn't speak my language and couldn't help me. Then I'd have a high chance of him finding me. I would have to cross that bridge when I came to it.

As usual startling me out of my thoughts the voice came.

I slipped on the shoes along with a plaster for the blisters as they hurt like hell.

I headed to the dining hall preparing to put stage one of plan two in action hoping it didn't earn me another strike-how could it?

I entered and sat down. As he arrived I stood up - the usual routine. He sat down and slammed his fists on the table scaring me half to death.

"You got another strike?!" He yelled - terrifying me.

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"How did you do it? How?" He continued to shout.

"I needed some privacy," I began to cry, realising I was in a lot of trouble.

"Now I don't pay good money for you to go around earning yourself strikes do you hear me?" He shouted. I gently nodded my head.

"I said do you hear me?"

"Yes," I cried.

"Now, I don't feel a small tattoo is enough of a punishment, I've lost a purchase before because she got too many strikes. I didn't teach her what happens if she gets strikes so she didn't learn. You on the other hand will learn, and you will know not to go and get yourself any strikes!"

By now I knew the plan wasn't going to work today. My hands shook in fear and my heart raced.

He stood up and pushed his chair away. He walked closer to me and as he approached I stood up to. He kept getting closer however I kept backing up.

Soon I was cornered and had no where to run.

It all happened so fast.

First a sharp burning sensation was on my left cheek and I fell to the floor. I began to cough as something sharp kicked me in the gut- I realised it was his foot. He continued kicking until I couldn't breath and was lay on the floor choking.

"I suggest you don't have get any more strikes, see you tonight Ellie," he smirked and walked out the room. Smug.

I tried to breath but it didn't seem to come to me. The walls were closing in. My head spun and my chest hurt. I was lay in a pool of my own blood.

Suddenly the world around me darkened. 

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