Chapter 25

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"So what do we do then?"

"For the time being - only me and Bailey are involved in stage one. When we go for our meal I will sneak Bailey out the room. Once we are out we will find a way to get Bailey out. Bailey can be the Guinea pig in other words. Once Bailey has escaped I will come back to the house. I will return here with the route of how to get out. From then on its up to you." Calum signed.

"Sounds good except one thing, what if you and Bailey get found out?" Sarah asked.

"Then we try again and again." Calum replied.

"But what about the strikes. We can only have five and then we are out. What if Bailey gets five strikes?" I asked.

"We will have to cross that bridge when we get to four. I'm sure we will be ok as long as we avoid Craig."

"It's going to be hard for me to escape then."

"Can Bailey and Calum please get ready then head to the dining hall," the voice boomed.

"This is it then guys! This could potentially be the last time I see you- If I escape!" Bailey smiled.

"I hope for all of our sakes we don't see you again," I laughed.

"Good luck guys," we wished them as they left the room.

Anything could have been happening then. They walked separate ways after they left the RC room as they had to walk in different doors.

In the meantime all of the girls and I sat silent in the RC room praying they would make it.

"Guys, what do we do if Bailey does get five strikes? We won't have Calum then, and then we have no inside information." Sarah signed.

"I don't know, like Calum said- Cross that bridge when we come to it.  I'm sure they will be fine."

"But the security on this place is unreal. I know better than anyone. I tried escaping before. It didn't work," she sighed. "That's the only time I got a strike. Since then I've just gone along with it. I played the game when really on the inside I'm dying. I want nothing more than to go home and see my family. And my boyfriend." Sarah began to get really emotional. "I suppose in some ways in lucky - I got an alright lad whereas others aren't as nice."

"Craig for a start!" I replied. "But it's ok! How about we start planning for when Bailey has escaped?"

"Good idea!" Rachel shouted.

"Are we all going separately or raiding the room like last time?" I asked.

"Oh my god! I've got it!" Rachel yelled.

"Sign!" Carmen shouted.

"Why don't we raid Calum's room? He's not going to stop us escaping!" Rachel suggested.

"But if Bailey has escaped, he won't have to go to the dining hall." I replied.

"Well one of us can dress as Bailey!" She replied.

Despite Rachel's ditziness she had actually come up with a good plan to escape. She could be a bit stupid sometimes but she also was quite clever.

There it was. Our plan was in place. We were so pleased but there were so many potential flaws. We prayed once we reached them we would find a way around them.

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