Chapter 4

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Once again I awoke in the blue room. I tried to stand up but felt an immense burning sensation on my back.

I stumbled to the full length mirror and pulled up the vest I was wearing and had a glimpse of what lay before me. One straight black tattooed line down the left hand side of my back.

My first strike.

I guess I broke a rule?

I looked back in the mirror - my hair had been changed back into the half up half down topknot and from my ears hung two long blue earrings. They were blue feathers that matched my room. Why was everything blue?

"Please get changed and go to the dining hall," the voice rang out. Round 2.

I guessed this time I shouldn't annoy him because I didn't want my second strike on my first day (of my knowledge). Besides I was starving and needed food. I opened my wardrobe and looked at the dress I had previously amended and noticed it had been fixed to the girly dress it originally was.

I chose a different one, it was a pale blue knee length dress which was quite puffy at the bottom. Like a short version of cinderellas dress.

I pulled out some blue flats and took a glance at myself in the mirror. I was no longer Kim. I was just a number.

I had no human value to anyone anymore. The outside world probably didn't care. That's when I thought about Joe. My real boyfriend. I missed him dearly and my heart ached. Imagine if he could see my now I kept thinking. He'd probably dump me. Even the makeup changed me.

The voice directed me back to the hall and I prepared myself for round 2. Whilst I was waiting I listened in for the noises coming from room 2 again but couldn't hear anything this time.

I entered and sat myself down. Once again I stood on his arrival. This time it wasn't the same one as last time. This one looked a lot nicer. He was still as fit but gave me eye contact and smiled as he walked in.

"Hi it's nice to meet you," he smiled as he walked around to my side of the table and embraced me in a hug. His smile was quite genuine and his hug was quite warm. I didn't know what to think of him.

"You too," I murmured actually quite nervous.

"I'm Joe," he smiled.


Once again my heart ached for my Joe. The one I dearly loved back at home. The one I wanted here with me now to hold me tight and tell me everything's ok and no one is going to get hurt.

"Are you ok," he asked with a sympathetic tone.

"Just fine," I muttered.

"So what's your name?" He asked trying to get the conversation flowing again.

"Kim, "

"Hi Kim,"

"Why am I here?" I asked, praying it wouldn't get me another strike.

"Because I ordered you,"

"Ordered me?"

"Yeah, I came here because I wanted a girl. They gave me the catalogue and I ordered you,"

At this point I was so confused. What catalogue?

"And now your mine," he smirked - this was the first time his warm loving smile changed into something darker.

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