Chapter 5

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Life wasn't so bad.

I had been attempting to keep a tally and I was on about three months. Everyday was the same.

Wake up. Have a shower and do my hair makeup and get dressed. Walk to the dining hall, have my meal with Joe, return to my room, read a book, go on our evening date then go to bed. I was used to it. It could be worse but I guess it was lucky I got put with Joe.

I had done my makeup and was instructed to go to the date room as usual. The date room was a large room that would change to a different place every night depending on what Joe asked for it to be. Some nights it was a bowling alley, some nights a cinema, sometimes we even had a picnic under the stars. However they weren't stars it was a screen because incase you forgot I was kidnapped.

I headed to the date room looking like Kim version 2. I had gotten used to my look, I only had a vague memory of the old me.

I headed into the room to be greeted by a table set up like the romantic one at dinner but more special. This time there were menus which was a first as usually I don't get to pick my food.

I sat down and stood up on his arrival as I always must. We both sat down and picked up the menus. I stared with amazement at all the choices. That's when I spotted the roast chicken and I longed for the taste. Joe typed our orders in his phone and we began to make small talk while we waited for our food.

"How are you doing lately?" He laughed.

"I'm just delightful," I laughed back. That's when I thought this was the perfect time to ask him something that had been on my mind for a while now.


"What's up?"

"Why did you choose me, like over all the other girls? There's nothing special about me, I'm not pretty or anything?"

"Kim, to me you are special. You were the most beautiful out of all those girls and that sparkle in your eye just makes me love you even more. You are perfect for me Kim. "

No body had ever said anything like this to me before. Not even my Joe back home. My heart melted.

He really did love me. I was safe as long as I was with Joe. We held hands and enjoyed our delicious dinner. After dinner I headed back to my room.

I smiled as I lay on my bed. I felt something different about this place.

I looked at my clock and saw the time.


Usually it was lights out by 9 so I was confused why my room was gleaming with light.

That was when the voice sounded.

"Head to the photography room, exit your room turn right then another right."

This was strange, I never got called out of my room at this time.

I followed the instructions scared and reluctant. I headed into the photography room of which I had never seen before.

There was a large photography set up ready to do a photo shoot. There was a chair in the centre. When. I entered there were 5 people in the lab coats and masks so I couldn't see their faces. I was extremely confused as to what was going on. One of the pointed towards the chair in the middle of the photography set up. I cautiously went and took a seat. Instantly three of them ran up to me and began fixing my makeup and hair. They turned my chair so I was directly facing the camera and took loads of photos of me straight on. I was so confused.

I didn't understand why they were taking pictures of me. With that I was out - asleep once again.

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