The Princess...

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The Princess....

Seb Pov

“On the count of three” Lily started “One…………….Two…………I think you’re a werewolf……….Three!” she yelled taking off towards the house. However her words had him rooted to the ground. What did she just say? Seb watched her sloppy run for a moment before taking off after her. He easily caught up to her and cut her off before she reached the house

“Ahh!” she screamed clutching her chest “Damn you scared me!”

“What did you call me?” Seb questioned. Lily began to squirm a little under is gaze.

“Oh umm I called you a werewolf” She confessed. His face scrunched up in confusion

“Why?” He wanted to know what exactly made her think that

“Well I’ve been noticing things, the biggest was with the wolves on Nexus. Not to mention you growl a lot, I’ve seen your eyes glow, your aggressive and very hairy, even for a guy” She said the last part a little disgusted. Seb blankly stared at her for moment before bursting out laughing. Lily was stunned by the sound he was making. Not believing he was capable of laughing so hard. 

“Wow your funny! A werewolf? You know they don’t exist anymore right?” Seb was now talking to her like a child and she folded her arms defensively.

“Okay maybe I was wrong. Let’s just forget it” Lily stammered. The girl didn’t waste any time pushing past him and entering the small home.

Seb soon followed but he felt a little guilty. Because even though he didn’t believe he was a werewolf, he knew something was happening to him. Whatever it is he prayed it wouldn’t complicate things more than they already are.

Everyone was still in the living room and Zara was sprinkling something on the broken coffee table. Slowly all the pieces began to move and reconnect until the table was back to its whole form.

“You guys are just in time to hear my plan!” Jace declared with much enthusiasm.

“Are you okay?” Marie asked coming to her brother’s side. Seb reassured her with a smile and a ruffle of her hair. “That’s great! I have something to tell you about Ana’s mate-” she added

“Not now Marie, let’s just hear Jace’s plan and focus on bringing her back” Seb insisted. Whatever his sister wanted to say needed to wait. He had just calmed down and hearing about her and Jace being mates would only rile him up.

Cora and Zara left the room. Everyone else took a seat as Jace stood in the center of the room and began.

“Alright. I’m going to astral project myself to Ana!”  He announced gaging their reactions. The room was silent. No one said a single word and looked pretty confused. Lily slowly raised her hand

“Just one question. What’s that mean?” she asked

“It means I want to separate my soul from my body. With the right spell I can send a projection of me to Ana and find out where she is and if she’s okay” Jace explained

“Like what your grandmother did with the vortex” Seb assumed

“Not exactly. My grandmother used much more power for that but this is similar. My spirit will lift from my body but will be linked by a silver cord so I can find my way back.” Jace explained further. They all seemed to understand now and agreed that it was a good idea

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