This happens when you anger a vampire...

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………………I was so caught up that I didn’t realize I had been stabbed……

 …………………….............Until I looked down and saw the tip of the blade….. Covered in my blood…. jutting from the center of my abdomen…..


This happens when you anger a vampire...

Ana Pov

“Look who’s the slut now” Kim whispered in my ear as she forcibly pushed the blade further inside me.

She may have gotten the jump on me because of my distraction but my reflexes are still good. I ignored the pain and reached behind me to lock onto her neck before front flipping her; she flung hard into a nearby tree.

Seb quickly sat up and ripped the blade from my back. It was luckily an ordinary weapon, so as soon as it was removed the wound healed like something was zipping it up. We both then sprang to our feet just as Kim was getting to hers.

“That wasn’t very nice” She said dusting off her very short leather shorts.

Excluding her promiscuous clothing, something was different about her. Kim’s hair was cut short, almost in a pixie style that made her look dangerous instead of cute. Her body also changed; it was well toned and athletic, the gut she was getting from alcohol was gone. I sniffed the air for her scent but found a new one instead. My mind refused to believe what my eyes were telling me. Even so I focused hard on her heartbeat but the only one I could hear was Seb.

 The three of continued to circle each other; waiting for one to make a move. Kim watched me as I studied her, like she was waiting for me to say the last words I ever wanted to speak.

“You’re a vampire” I finally said

“Congratulations! Your smarter than you look” She taunted sarcastically. I couldn’t hide my shock. We don’t have a great relationship especially with her trying to kill me, but this isn’t the life I wanted for her.

“Why Kim?” I asked concerned

“Oh shove it Ana! You think you’re the only one who can be a vampire! You think you can have it all! You took Jace, mom, this guy” she said pointing at Seb “And you want to be the only vampire too! Talon was right about you. You do deserve to die” She spat. Her last words had Seb growling. Kim’s eyes darted to him for a second and she actually looked scared before shaking it off.

“I don’t know what lies Talon has told you. But listen to me, he’s playing you. Let me help” I said trying to reason with her. Kim only laughed

“Do you hear yourself?! You’re such an idiot! I just stabbed you and here you are trying to be all reasonable and shit” She ended still chuckling.

From the way she was acting I knew there was no reasoning with her. She seemed a bit mad in the crazy sense. Maybe she’s hyped out. But a small part didn’t want to give up. She is after my sister; whether were blood related or not I don’t care.

“Kim please. There is so much about being a vampire you don’t know” I pleaded

“Talon has taught me and he’ll teach me anything else I need to know. He’s my soul mate” She said proud of herself

“Did he tell you that? Because it most certainly is a lie” Seb piped up to say. Kim narrowed her eyes at him, trying to figure him out. Good luck because I haven’t even figured him out yet. She eventually just shrugged off his comment all together. Kim was in a delusion; one only she could save herself from.

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