Chapter 30

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I looked down at Katherine as she lay in my arms, fast asleep after sharing the most incredible experience we've ever had. Making love to the woman you love with you're entire being is indescribable. No words will ever be enough to describe the feeling that washes over you, as you love one another with your bodies, as you come together and become one.

I thought I had lost Katherine as I watched the black SUV drive away. I never want to feel that ever again. I literally felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, while my body shattered into a million pieces.

For those few minutes, I felt my life pass me by. It felt like a blur. Everything disappeared and I was left feeling hollow and empty. Surrounded by darkness.

I shivered at the memory.

Yes. A memory. I have her back. I won't ever make the stupid mistake of leaving her.

Never again.

I dropped a kiss at the top of her head.

I can't wait to take her as my wife, I thought to myself. Before Katherine, I have to admit, I never thought of marriage before. I always knew I'd want to get married eventually, but it was just something that lingered at the back of my mind. But things changed when Katherine came into my life. Suddenly, my future was all I could think about. My future with her. I knew she was the one for me, and there was no doubt in my mind that no matter what it takes, I was going to convince her that we were meant to be together.

And now here we are. The only thing missing is my ring on her finger. But it will happen. Soon. If I had it my way, she'll be wearing it now. But I know that we still have a lot to resolve, regarding my... Our family. She's part of the family now. Aside from Nate and Lia, the rest of our family have no idea who Katherine really is and then there's the matter of this sick fuck who has this illusion that Katherine belongs to him. We still have to settle that and find the man responsible for threatening the safety of Katherine. I also have to think about Katherine's emotional state. This is new to her. Everything is. I just want to make sure I'm not rushing her or overwhelming her. I want her to feel secure and safe in our relationship. And if waiting a little while longer is what it takes, then I'm willing to wait.

She's worth the wait.

I smiled.

I've always known that a love like ours exist, because I've witnessed it around my family, but it's different when you're the one experiencing it. When you're the one experiencing the kind of love that transcends death. That makes you whole. That makes you aspire to be the best that you can be. The kind of love that ignites your soul and make you yearn for more.

It's everything. Love truly is everything.

I breathed Red in and she snuggled closer to me, until she was practically sleeping on top of me.

I smiled.

"Love you," she mumbled.

God... I will never get tired of hearing that.

"I love you too."

"Hmmm..." She murmured.

I smoothed her hair back. I closed my eyes and revelled in the feeling of having her in my arms.


I woke up, all my muscles sore and protesting.

I've never been this sore in my life.

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