Chapter 12

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Hi guys!

Just wanted to let you know that I'll be going on vacation with my family for two weeks, so I won't be updating till I get back! I would really like to take this time and spend quality time with my family.

Thank you for your patience and continued support!

Enjoy this bonus chapter ;)

See you in two weeks :)



"Hey," I said, as I hugged my cousin, Faith.

"Hey dyllie!" She giggled.

"I missed you, nosy!"

She laughed. "Missed you too!"

"Come on. We can go anywhere you want to go," I said.

"You can take me to meet the woman who has captured your heart," she grinned.

I groaned. "Madison..." She has the biggest mouth, I swear.

She laughed.

"Your cousin is a menace!"

"Yeah, but you love her."

I groaned.

"And she's our cousin," she pointed out.

"How did everything go on your outreach?"

"It went well. The families were amazing and welcoming. I'm really happy I got to help them."

"You always did have a good heart on you," I said.

"It runs in the family," she grinned.

I nodded in agreement.

"How's Erik and the little buggers?" I asked.

"They're good. They're flying in later tonight. He has a meeting he can't miss. I was going to fly there, but mom wants help with some things for the charity, so I said I'd fly straight here. I miss them so much. Thank god for technology though, or else, I'd have gone crazy not being able to see and talk to Erik and the kids."

"Yeah. But you did good, Faith," I said, proud of my cousin for all the things she has done in third world countries.


"Well I'm starved," I said.

"Rico's?" She asked with a grin.

"Sounds good," I said.


"So... Tell me about her? I heard she's beautiful and she keeps you on your toes," Faith said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm right. The women in this family are menaces!"

She laughed. "Oh come on. You men grill our husbands and make threats at them, while we, women only ask for details, which is what normal people do, so don't hog all the fun and spill!" She pouted.

"Her name is..."

"Katherine West. She's a caterer and you hired her for Aunt Ara's birthday party. I know all of that, tell me about what she's like," she rambled.

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