Chapter 13

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Hi guys! Couldn't sleep so I decided to work on Chapter 13, so here it is!



I woke up to a warm body.

I frowned in confusion. Then I remembered Dylan calling and coming over. I remembered crying in his arms. Him holding me.

I looked up and Dylan was still fast asleep.

I was wrapped safely in his arms.

Why did I have to lose it like that?

Who sent me that card?

How did he know who I really am?

"I can practically hear your thoughts running around in your head," Dylan suddenly said in a hoarse, sleepy voice. But even his hoarse and sleepy voice sounds sexy.

He finally opened his eyes and looked down at me and smiled.

"Morning, Red," he murmured.

"Please don't ask me about what happened yesterday," I blurt out quickly and suddenly.

He frowned. "Red..." He started to protest and I kissed him quickly to silence him.

"Please," I pleaded.

He sighed. Then a few moments later, "Tell me something," he countered.

I could tell him no and pull away right now, but I don't want that. I want his arms... No. I need his arms around me.

I found my self smiling as I recalled the last time he said the same words to me.

"The man my mom and I used to live with when I was little, he used to lock me up in the basement with all the lights off," I said. I have no idea why I just shared that with him, maybe because of the look he's giving me.

No. That's not really it.

It's really because I trust him. I feel safe with him.

But I couldn't exactly tell him who that man was.

"I hate being in the dark. It brings me back to..."

"Shhh..." He held a finger up to my lips and wiped the tears I didn't even know I had shed. He kissed me softly on my lips.

"Now, I don't know about you, but I'm famished," he said with a grin.

Woah. What a quick change.

I gave him a grateful smile. I knew he wanted to ask more questions and say more. based on the tick on his jaw and the way he clenched his teeth, trying to hide his anger from what I just said, or maybe for the man who locked me up — but he didn't ask nor say anything more, knowing that I couldn't bare to reveal more than I already have.

"I'm sure I can whip up something quick," I said.

"Sounds great," he said.



"Thank you," I said.

He smiled. "You're welcome, Red," he said, before stealing a quick kiss.

I chuckled and shook my head at him.

But seriously, there's really no point in stopping him from kissing me. I can't even stick to my own rule and have kissed him. Twice!

I chuckled at myself.

I start to fell guilty, but quickly pushed it away.

Not today, I told myself.

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