Chapter 53

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Emma's POV

Killian and I walked together looking for our daughter who for some reason really likes us to worry about her and where she.

"Remember that night in California after our camping trip?" Killian asks breaking the silents.

"Yes I do. I think I still have a bruise from when I fell back." I say.

"Well maybe I can fix it for you." He says.

"Shut up." I say.

"But those kisses against the wall were wonderful." He says.

I pushed him against a wall in an alley way and kissed him.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He says.

"Okay now lets try and fine our daughter." I say.

"Yeah we should." He says.

We walked trying not to hold hands when we saw Albert Spencer.

"Hello Swan. Jones." He says walking pasted us.

"Killian I dont have a good feeling about this." I say.

"Me either. Lets get the group together." He says.

We all met up at Granny's and the group came quick.

"He just walked past no problem?" Regina asks.

"Yeah like it was very weird." I say.

"Well it hasnt been 24 hours therefore Leia isnt technically missing." Graham says.

"We cant just go home and hope that Albert hasnt killed her." Killian says.

"Well thats your option there is no other." Graham says.

"Come on lets go. I think I have an idea." I say.

Once we got back to my house I went up to Leia's room and they all followed.

"What are we going in here?" Killian asks.

"Simple. There are three things Leia never leaves behind. If the stuff is gone then she has it." I say.

"And that means?" Regina asks.

"I dont know." I say.

"Okay. Well wait. Look its Leia's journal. Along with all of her other stuff. That she usually has." Killian says.

"He's right. Leia left everything. What are we to do?" I ask.

"Wait her phone its not here. We can track her." Killian says.

I got out my phone and pulled up the tracker up. It started to show us where Leia is.

"She is somewhere in the forest." I tell them.

"Well come on let figure this out." Killian says.

We got to the forest and we all staid together and then Zelena screamed.

"Z whats wrong?" I ask.

She didnt say anything but continued to freak out. Killian walked over to her and he touched the ground.

"Its a trail of blood." Killian says.

He looked up at me and we all looked at the trail. We have to follow it. I just hope this is a trail that belongs to an animal and not to my daughter.

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