Chapter 21

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Killian's POV

Leia come over early this morning and hasnt spoken to me since she got here. All she is doing is looking at me like she is trying to figure something out.

"Leia why do you keep staring at me?" I ask her.

"Your hand what happened to it?" She asks.

"I punched the wall in the kitchen. Liam is patching it up right now." I tell her.

She just got up and hugged me.

"I knew you did do it." She says.

"Didnt do what?" I ask.

"Beat Graham up." She says.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Well, last night I snuck out to hang with friends. Well mom caught me and then Graham ran up saying you were drunk and that you started beating him." She tells me sitting back down on the couch.

"And your mother believed him?" I ask.

"Yeah she did." She says.

"Leia stay here. Liam watch Leia." I say and walked out of the house.

Emma's POV

I was in the bathroom helping Graham with his face. I was re-cleaning him up after last night. When the front door slammed shut.

"Whos that?" Graham asks.

"Swan!" Killian says.

"Im going to kill him." Graham says.

"No stay I'll talk to him." I say.

"Be careful who know what he will say or do." Graham says.

I walked downstairs and Killian looked pissed off.

"What that fuck do you want?" I ask him.

"You actually believe him. I didnt do anything to that asshole." He tells me.

"Killian, Graham wouldnt lie to me." I say.

"Oh and I will lie to you. You know me way better then that. You know what getting along with you was working until your stupid boyfriend ruined everything. You know what Swan Im done." He says.

"What do you mean your done?" I ask.

"In front of Leia we "get along" but when she isnt around I want nothing to do with you." He says and walked out.

I saw him walk to his house which was right next door and I got a message from Leia.

Text Message


Im staying over at dad's this week. I just think he needs someone to talk to right now and Im the only one who can get through to him. I'll talk to you later.

Leia doesnt want to come home and I think Killian has gotten to her. Things have been so well and now something is off. Either Killian is lying to me and Leia or Graham is lying to me. Something just isnt right. Killian and I had a good thing going and now I feel like I lost him all over again and thats the feeling I was trying to avoid this whole time since he got back into my life. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry because how bad this feels.

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