Chapter 19

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Leia's POV

It my first day back to school since the accident. People know what happened to and as usually they talk about me just like they did when they found out who my dad was. I was sitting alone at a table because my only friend was home sick.

"Hi Leia." Clay says to me.

"Hi." I say.

"Can I sit?" He asks.

"Umm okay." I say,

"Im sorry about what happened to you. It would seem this year hasnt gone good for you." He says.

"Well I wouldnt say that. Sure two really bad things happened, but one good thing happened." I tell him.

"Right you met your father. That a good thing." He says.

"Yeah that was the highlight of this year." I say.

"Hey almost the whole is school is going to the bomb fire tonight. You should come." He says.

"Oh Im not sure I will have to ask my family, but maybe." I tell him.

Emma's POV

"So you cant find anything that would lean to Albert trying to hurt Leia?" Killian asks.

"Killian for the 10th time today there is nothing showing Albert is behind anything." I tell him.

"No there has to be something. Albert had to have done something." He says.

"Killian stop. I know your worried, but if there is nothing we do." I tell him.

"There has to be." He say getting very upset.

"Killian calm down. Going crazy like this isnt going to solve anything. Please just take control your anger." I say to him.

I force him to sit down on the bench and I sit down next to him.

"Im sorry I got so worked up, Love. I just worry about Leia you know." He tells me.

"I know and I worry about her too. We just cant go crazy." I tell him.

He was still shaking in anger. I placed my hand over his to calm him down.

"Thanks Swan." He says to me.

"Anytime." I say.

"Mom, Dad?" Leia says walking in.

"Hey what brings you here?" I ask getting up and walking over to her.

"Well I came to ask you something." She says.

"Okay ask away." I tell her.

"Tonight some people are going to the beach to hang out. Can I go?" She asks me.

"Leia Im sorry, but with everything going on the answer is no." I tell her.

"But mom." She whines.

"Your mother said no." Killian says to her.

"But come on." She says.

"Leia no means no. Now go sit over there and we'll take you home later." I tell her.

"Fine." She says and sits down.

"She's going to be mad at us." Killian says.

"True, but she is the child not the boss. We are protecting her." I tell him.

I place my hand on his again and it felt safe. No Emma he is just the father of your child. I want to be with Graham. Dont I?

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