Chapter 10

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Emma's POV

I sat down on the couch with the girls and Killian and his friends.

"Are we really sure this belongs to Leia?" Robin asks.

"Well Emma found it in Leia's room." Regina says.

"Well should we confront her?" Killian asks.

"Well maybe we should talk it out first . Just so we all agree, because rather I like it or not Leia trust all of you. If I say one thing she could get mad and go to all of you." I tell them.

"Here I made snacks." My mom says.

"Thank you Mrs.Swan." Killian says.

"Your welcome. Oh and please call me Ingrid." My mom tells him.

"So what should we do?" Belle asks.

"I think maybe we should just sit her down and hear what she has to say about." Rumple says.

"Emma! Emma! Oh hi." Graham says barging in.

"Graham whats the rush?" I ask him.

"Whats going on here?" He asks.

"We are talking about something." I say.

"Oh well okay. Anyway I rushed in because I saw smoke coming from your roof." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says.

"Im going to check." I say.

"I'll come with you." Killian says.

"Okay." I say.

We walked upstairs and I reached for the cord to lead to the attic. Killian did to and for a moment our hands touched. I let him pull the string down.

"After you." He says to me.

"Thanks." I say.

I climbed up into the attic and Killian followed behind.

"You should really clean this place." Killian says.

"Shut up." I say to him.

I walked froward and saw a mouse I moved back and fell, but Killian caught me.

"You never were good with small creatures." He says.

"Well somethings dont change." I say to him.

I looked up at his blue blue eyes and realized that I was still in his arms.

"Well lets see what the smoke is." He says letting go of my waist.

He opened the window and climbed out. He held out his hand for me and I took it. He pulled me up and I trip again knocking him over and I landed on his chest.

"Umm the smoke I see it." I say getting off him.

He got up and we both went to where the smoke was.

"Leia what the hell." Killian says.

"So I was right you are smoking! But why?" I ask her.

"Doesnt matter why. Go away." She says to us.

"Emma, Killian." Mary-Margaret says coming up.

The rest of them not to far behind and they looked at us and then they saw Leia.

"Leia you stop smoking right now." I say to her.

She said nothing, but instead she pulled out another cigaret and started smoking it.

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