Chapter 5

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Emma's POV

I walked into the station early this morning because I couldnt sleep well knowing my daughter was with Killian. I dont trust him with her.

"Emma, I brought you an apple." Graham says to me.

"Thank you thats so nice." I say to him.

"Now I want you to go wait for your daughter. So you can make sure she is okay. I know that will make you feel better." He says to me.

"Yeah that would make me feel much better." I say and walk out.

I saw the bus that contended my daughter. Leia walked out of the bus and I walked over to her.

"Mom what brings you here?" She asks me.

"I just had to make sure you were okay." I tell her.

"Well Im fine I better get to school." She says.

"Leia I know your mad at me for this not telling you things, but I did it to protect you. Im sorry." I say to her.

"Its okay mom I understand. I shoudnt have got so mad." She says to me.

"Its okay. Come on I'll walk you to school." I tell her.

"Yeah okay." She says.

Leia's POV

My mom took me to school and after she left I went inside. Day three of school and looks like its going to be a long year.

"Leia, guess what!" Nigel yells at me.

"What?" I question.

"Guess who is coming home?" He asks.

"Not sure." I say.

"Jenson. He is coming home." He tells me.

"When?" I ask.

"Like next week or so." He says.

"When he does let me know." I say.

"Leia, Gel, hows are things?" Clay asks.

"Things are great. My brother is coming home." Gel tells him.

"And Leia how are things?" Clay asks.

"Fine." I say.

"Clay, come here." Lexi says.

"Lexi Im trying to talk to Leia and Gel." Clay says to her.

"Well Leia have you told Clay and everyone else about your mom and dad little fight on the streets?" Lexi asks.

"Lexi mind your our business." I say to her.

"Cant handle the truth Leia. Your never going to fit in no matter if Daddy is famous and Mommy protects the town." Lexi says to me.

The whole school was looking at me. I felt as if I was going to cry. I just walked out and went to the music room. I tried not cry.

"Leia is everything okay?" Some asks.

"Yeah, but why would you want to know if Im okay or not?" I ask when I see the person.

"Just because my sister is friends with Lexi and mean doesnt mean I am." Ryder says to me.

"Wouldnt it though because your like the school bad boy. Dont care about anyone, but you." I tell him.

I got up and walked out and the rest of the day was like another everyone looking at me. After school I went home. I saw my dad waiting out front.

"Hey you." He says to me.

"Hey. Dad whats up?" I ask him.

"Walk with me." He says.

"Sure." I say.

I walked with him to the park.

"So are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah I am." I say.

"Leia come on. Something is bugging you and I think I know what it is." He says.

"You do?" I ask.

"It the fact your mom and I dont get along isnt?" He asks.

Killian's POV

Leia looked at me and the sat down on a bench.

"Yeah, I knew it wouldnt be easy for her or you. I just dont want you two to fight." She says.

"Look I not going to promise the fighting will stop completely but I will try my best to not fight with your mother okay." I say to her.

"Yeah okay." She says.

I walked her back home and when we got there Leia went in. I saw Emma and Graham in the kitchen with his arm around her, but I dont know why my blood was boiling I wasnt mad or upset. Was I?

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