Chapter 13

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Flashback Killian 14 Emma 13

Emma's POV

I was pissed off at him that dumb idiot he did this on purpose. Im going to kill him. Im going to kill Killian. I walked into my room and started changing when the I felt arms wrap around my waist. I knew who it was.

"Get out." I say to him.

"Emma Im sorry okay." He says.

"Killian you spilled a milkshake on my shirt." I say to him.

"So." He says.

"So? So? Killian you wont tell me why you did it." I say to him.

"Fine. I will tell you." He says.

"But before you do let go of me so and I put my shirt on." I say to him.

He let go of my waist and I got my shirt on and he put his arms back to where they were before.

"He was looking at you." He tells me.

"Who?" I ask.

"Graham." He answered.

"So." I say.

"Emma he was looking at you. I just dont want you around him." He says.

"Aww your jealous." I say.

"So what if I am. I love you and I dont want him to look at you." He says.

"Killian I love you not him. I dont think I ever will love Graham." I say.

Present Day.

Killian's POV

"So she said its the fighting?" Liam asks.

"Yeah. The fact we all fight. Its making her messed up." I tell him.

"I wasnt fighting anyone." Robin says.

"Only you, Emma, and occasionally Graham, but not the rest of us." David says.

"You think I dont know that. I made my daughter smoke." I say.

"Not really." David mumbles.

"What do you say?" I ask.

"Think what David means is not just you, but Emma and Graham too." Hades says.

"Killian all you have to do is stop fighting with Emma and Graham." Liam says.

"Emma I will work on. As for Graham he can suck it." I say.

"Knock knock." Mary-Margaret says knocking on our open door.

"Mary-Margaret Hey!" David says and falls out of his chair.

"Emma told me what happened and we all havent really been fighting, but we havent really been trying to stop it. So I think that a group therapy with all of us should happen. That way we can work together to stop Leia." She says.

"You came up with that idea. Gosh your smart." David says getting off the ground.

"Well just think about it. Whoever is open to it come to Dr.Hoppers tomorrow at 5pm. Its after his session with Leia." She tells us and walked away.

"Bye." David says.

"David? Whats wrong with you?" Rumple asks.

"Nothing." He says.

"Hades did you drop him on his head?" Neal asks.

"My dad didnt drop me." David says.

"Actually I did several times." Hades says.

"I need to go for a moment." I say and walk out.

I walked down to the docks and sat on a bench. The ocean always made things better.

"I see your at your thinking spot." Emma says walking up.

"Yeah." I say.

"Mind if I sit?" She asks.

"Not at all." I say.

"Killian, do you think I was being an idiot?" She asks.

"I've learned never to answer questions like that." I say.

"Killian please. Do you think Im an idiot with the the way I have been acting lately?" She asks.

"No. You have ever right to act like a controlling monster." I say jokingly.

"Haha funny. Maybe I just suck at being a mother." She says.

"Emma thats not true and you know that. Heck everyone knows that. Sure Leia is acting up and thats mostly my fault." I tell her.

"No its mine. I was the one that was trying to push you out of her life. All you wanted was to stay for her. Im to blame." She says.

"We both are at fault here. I should have been more considerate to how you would feel about me being here." I say.

"And I should have been more open to the fact that you were here." She says.

"So where do we stand?" I ask.

"Well from now on we have to try and stand together to help Leia." She says.

"Okay deal." I say holding out my hand.

"Deal." She says and shakes my hand.

Graham's POV

I saw Emma talking to that big dumb fucking loser Killian. Why must he be here? He ruined my chances to be with Emma years ago. He is now connected to Emma forever. I hate him. I wish Walsh would have killed him when he shot him. Killian should be dead, but no Killian lives on. That fucking bastard.

Leia's POV

Text Message.

Leia. Leia. Leia. I know smoking has become your new thing, but why does it matter that your parents fight. They dont love each other. All they have is a child together. Lets face it your life sucks. Instead of smoking try taking your own life instead. Thats if its to hard to breath your families air. No one will miss you. If you think that family will they wont. If they really did care they wouldnt be fighting about you. So in away you ruin their lives. You should really think about it. Im mean if you do your dad goes back to his love of music and your mom goes to the love of Graham. Then no one will be unhappy anymore. Think about it Leia. Just really think hard about it.

XO A Friend.

I walked into Granny's and saw Lexi and I sat down across from her.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"I know you hate me, but sending text that are just plain rude and messed up thats not okay." I say to her.

"Hate to break it to you Leia, but I didnt send you anything. I prefer to see the look on your face when Im mean to you. It makes me smile to see you sad." She says and walks off.

If it wast Lexi then who was it? I went outside and pulled out another cigaret. Now Im going to be chain smoking till I find who sent the message and till the family stops fighting over me and my well being.

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