Chapter 47

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Emma's POV

Killian staid the night and in the morning he was still with me.

"Mom!" Leia says banging on the door.

"Leia chill please." I say.

"Mom we have a problem." She says.

"What going on?" I ask.

"Well Grandma is gone and I kinda started a fire." She says.

"Leia!" I yell.

"Come back soon." Killian says.

I rushed out and left Killian in the room and he locked the door. I rushed to the kitchen and there was no fire.

"Did you lie about the fire?" I ask.

"Maybe..." She says.

"Then why say that?" I ask.

"Because you have been in there all morning long. I wanted to make sure you were still alive. I mean you locked the door." She says.

"Leia I was tired and... Whats this?" I ask.

"The flier for this years winter dance." She says.

"Sounds fun. You going?" I ask.

"Nope." She says.

I was going to say something, but there was a knock on the door and I went to get it.

"Killian what brings you here?" I ask.

"Just wanted to say hi to Leia." He says.

"Hey dad." Leia says.

"I thought you were in my room." I say to him.

"I got bored." He says.

"Well Im going to get going." Leia says.

"Leia wait... I think you should go to the winter dance." I say.

"Look Im not for that its not really my thing." She says.

"What if your dad's band plays?" I ask.

"What? We arnt doing that." Killian says.

"Oh please these kids will love it." I say.

"Well yeah, but I dont know." He says.

"So Leia if Sinking Ships perform will you go?" I ask her.

"No. That would be the worse thing ever." She says.

"Leia I thought you love us? You said the whole school likes us." Killian says.

"Which is why you cant do this to me please." Leia says.

"Leia, please do this for me." I beg her.

"But mom." She says.

"But nothing. Do this for me and your dad will sing a Britney Spears song." I say.

"Fine only because I want to see that." She says going upstairs.

"Why is this such a big deal?" Killian asks.

"Because I only got to do this stuff Freshman and Sophomore year. Junior and Senior I had Leia. Plus I want to see you sing Britney Spears songs." I say.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say and give him a quick kiss.

We have to keep this from everyone alittle longer. Just until we know this is all working out.

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