Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

Its been a week and Leia still hasnt cooperated with me. I've tried everything to fix her and she still hasnt quite.

"Swan, can we talk?" Killian asks me.

"Well sure." I say.

"Your the bloody sheriff cant you do something to make Leia stop?" He asks.

"I can, but it will ruin my relationship with my daughter and Im not going down that rode." I tell him.

"Emma, Leia is doing this for a reason. I dont know her as well as you. I wish I did, but I dont." He says.

"Well I dont know her as well as I thought." I tell him.

"No one knows their child that will." He says placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know I just want to know the problem." I say.

"Emma, I brought lunch. Oh Killian hello." Graham says.

"Im going to go. I'll see you later." Killian says.

"Alright. Hey make sure you ask Archie if Leia talks to him at the session." I say.

"I will. Later Swan." He says and walked out.

I could still feel Killian's touch on my shoulder and I dont know why. I have Graham now and I lovvvv... I lovvvv.... I like him.

Killian's POV

I went to Dr.Hopper's office and waited for Leia. Something was bugging her but she wont tell us. Leia soon got out and she sat outside as I talked to Archie.

"Mr.Jones I told you I cant tell you anything Leia says." He tells me.

"Yes I know, but you can at least tell me if she talks or not?" I ask.

"I cant really say." He says.

"Please?" I ask.

"Fine. No, Leia doesnt talk. She just sits on the couch and looks at her phone." He says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Your welcome." He says.

I walked out and Leia wasnt there.

"Leia." I say.

Shit Emma is going to kill me. I walked over to the sheriff station.

Emma's POV

I was sitting in the station alone after Graham went out on patrol. I heard footsteps and when I looked up I saw Killian. He head was down like he had done something stupid.

"Killian whats wrong?" I ask him.

"I lost Leia." He says.

"You what!" I yell at him.

"I went to ask Archie if Leia at least talked and she didnt by the way. When I went to go back to her she was gone." He says.

"Why did I even think about trusting you!" I yell at him.

"So this is my fault, but if Graham lost Leia it wouldnt be a problem!" He yells.

"You always have to say stuff like that. Its not my fault you and Graham can work out your problems." I say to him.

"He is the one fighting me. Not my fault he is completely jealous of how awesome I am." He says.

"Oh shut up. Now come with me to find Leia." I say and grab my keys.

We got into my car and I started driving. We searched everywhere.

"We checked everywhere and everyone is looking for her." Killian says.

"Well she has to be here somewhere. God where would she go?" I question.

"You really wouldnt know where she would go?" He asks.

"Nope." I say.

"Stop the car." Killian says.

I stopped and Killian got out and headed into the forest. I got out and went to follow him.

"Killian! Where are you going?" I ask when I catch up to him.

"Leia said that she found out about me through your stuff." He says.

"So." I say.

"If Im not mistaken you always tell where your at when you had a writing issue." He says.

"Yeah okay and that means?" I ask.

"Well you would always write at the tree and if Leia doesnt want us to find her thats where she might be." He says.

I followed behind him. He did remember our spot the tree with the K and E carved into it. Its a long shot, but if he is right Leia should be there.

"How do you know where its at?" I ask him.

"The x's on the trees that I made years ago." He says pointing at the trees.

We continued to walk and thats when I smelled cigaret smoke. We walked closer and Leia was sitting under the tree smoking and writing.

"Leia why did you run away?" I ask her.

"I didnt run away. I walked away. I just want to be alone." She says.

"Leia come on we want to know whats bugging you?" Killian asks.

"Nothing." She says.

"Leia your smoking and pushing everyone who loves you away. Please talk to us." I say.

She took a deep breath and looked at us. She looked as if she was going to cry.

"Hey whatever is bugging you you can tells us." Killian says sitting next to her.

"Yeah, dont push us away please Leia we want to help you." I say sitting on the other side of her.

She looked at me and then at Killian. Then she put her head in her lap.

"All the fighting." She says.

Killian and I looked at each other and we both knew this was all our fault.

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