Chapter 16

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Leia's POV

I was avoiding my family after I showed then the messages. I was hanging around with friends.

"Leis come on your telling that they want to keep you on lock down so you hide here." Jenson says to me.

"Yes okay. Im not hiding I was just annoyed with them they kept watching me like Im a baby." I say.

"Leia you were almost killed this summer twice and now its happening again. Of course they will treat you like a child." He says.

"Yeah I know, but I need space." I tell him.

"Yeah to smoke which you should quite by the way." He says.

"Oh shut up." I say to him.

"Leia if your going to smoke take it to the porch." Ruby says.

"Okay." I say and walk out.

"I dont want to fight you Lei, but Im just looking out for you. We have been friends since forever." He says.

"Leia, Jens, maybe we should go to Leia's house." Nigel says.

"Haha nice try." I say to him.

"Worth a shot." He says.

"Gel Leia doesnt want to take anyone to see her dad and his band that her business." Jenson says.

"Leia, come on group time." My mom says to me.

"Gotta go. See you two later." I tell them.

I went with my mom and we went into the group therapy thing. They all were walking about how I need to be protected at all times and that I need to stay in their eye sight.

"Leia what do you think?" Dr.Hopper asks.

"I think that I need some space." I tell him.

"Space to get killed." Neal says.

"No, I just need you all not to worry about me. Well no not that I need you all to worry, but you dont need to be around all the time." I say.

"Leia need room to breath. I think that if Leia is out and about you all dont need to be around, but Leia should tell you who she is with." Dr.Hopper says.

"We can work with that. Leia how about you?" My dad asks.

"Fine." I say.

"There we finally made some progress." Dr.Hopper says.

I walked out the door and went into Granny's and Ruby placed a cup in front of me.

"Like my gift." A voice says.

"Excuse me?" I question.

"Leia, its been a couple months. Remember me?" The man asks.

"Albert Spencer. What brings you here?" I ask.

"Nothing just thought I would come by and visit the one who took my band." He says.

"I didnt mean too." I say.

"I know, thats why Im here to take them back. I will win them over. I think that you wont get in the way this time." He says with a wink.

"Is everything alright here?" Graham asks.

"Yeah I was just leaving. It was good to see you Leia. Tell your dad I said hi." Albert says then walks out.

"Leia you okay?" Graham asks.

"I need to see my dad." I tell him.

"I'll drive you come one." He says.

We were driving and I saw Albert Spencer walking into the bed and breakfast. We were approaching a red light when Graham wasnt stopping.

"Dude hit the breaks." I say to him.

"Im trying I cant stop." He say.

"What!" I yell.

"Someone cut the breaks." He says.

There was nothing we could do. Then there was a crash. I was barely awake.

"What the." I say slowly.

"Leia stay with me okay." Graham says.

I could barely see his face it was fading away.

Emma's POV

We all were just sitting on the couch at my place wondering what to do about Leia. When Graham called. He was freaking out once he somewhat calmed down I heard what he said and dropped my phone.

"Emma whats wrong?" Killian asks placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Someone cut Graham's breaks." I say.

"So. He called he's fine." Regina says.

"Yeah he's fine, bur Leia got hurt. She was rushed to the ER." I tell them.

"Lets go." Liam says.

They all rushed out except Killian. I couldnt move I felt terrible and sad. He just came over to and hugged me.

"Its going to be okay." He tells me.

"What if we lose her?" I question while crying.

"We wont." He says and places a small kiss on my forehead.

"Emma, Killian, I'll drive you guys you two shoudnt drive." My mom says walking in.

I still felt upset and messed up, but with Killian beside me things felt better. I hope my dear Leia is safe and that I dont lose her. She has been my whole world since I found out I was expecting her. I hope she is okay.

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