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(ok so just a thing i want you to listen to this song here:  https://cavetown.bandcamp.com/track/hug-all-ur-friends-v-2 (if the link doesn't work, on yt just look up hug all ur friends by cavetown) bc i think it goes rlly well with this chapter !! if you don't like it you don't have to listen to it but yeah)

Lucia was sort of freaking out.

Here she was, sitting on a bench and waiting for Shea to get back from whatever Beau "needed" her for, and then bam!

Luke was standing in front of her, and he seemed very uncomfortable. Or nervous. Or both.

The brunette didn't know what to do - she didn't know what she wanted to do. She wanted to tell him to leave her alone, to go away, but another part of her wanted to hug the life out of him and apologize for everything she did.

She gulped, standing up with now-shaky hands. Luke noticed her movement and looked at her, his eyes full of both curiosity and hurt.

Lucia looked back at him, let out a breath, and then ran to him.

She had always known that if she saw him, she'd end up begging for him to forgive her. It was what Lucia did - she couldn't hold a grudge, no matter how much she wanted. That's the number one reason she told Luke to stay away from her.

"I'm so sorry," Lucia whispered into Luke's chest. "I'm so, so sorry, Luke."

Luke's arms wrapped around her waist, holding her to him. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't've said that - I know I shouldn't have - I was just angry."

Her tears wet his black and white striped shirt and she pulled away a bit, wiping her eyes and chuckling wistfully. Lucia looked at him and he smiled back at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world before leaning down and pecking her lips.

Lucia felt herself blush quite a bit as Luke pulled away, but, quite boldly and unlike herself, reached behind his neck to pull him back down to her, their lips meeting again. Luke's thumb gently rubbed the skin on her cheek and he cracked a grin after he parted again.

They stood in silence for a moment, surrounded by green trees and colorful flowers and just stared at each other before Luke spoke.

"So, uh," He started, standing up straight. "Do you... wanna be my girlfriend?"

Lucia's cheeks flared a bright red and she let out a little squeak - which wasn't much of an attractive sound - before nodding vigorously and murmuring, "Yeah, I'd - I'd like that."

Luke glanced at her with a serious look in his eyes. "I want you to be one hundred percent sure about this, Luce, so many things could go wrong. The fans are intense and not many people will like you, plus -"

Lucia giggled, interrupting the blonde and earning a soft glare. "I know what I'm getting into, Luke," She said, a rare, wide smile gracing her lips. "And if I didn't like you as much as I do, then I wouldn't agree to this."

Luke stared at Lucia for a minute - causing her to blush wildly - before smiling and pulling her into him by her waist. She heard him mumble, "That's my girl," before he kissed her again, sweet and slow and everything Lucia could've wanted.

They parted and Lucia saw the widest grin on her newfound boyfriend's face, his adorable dimples showing on his cheeks.

"You've got me wrapped around your finger."

"You're such a dork, you know that?"

Lucia knew that she'd probably end up fucking things up eventually, but she didn't really care at the moment. All that mattered was Luke's kisses and his bright blue eyes and his stupid lip ring and too-tight jeans - all that really mattered was him.


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