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The plane ride home was horrible. Lucia couldn't stop thinking, she couldn't sleep.

There were times she thought she couldn't breathe and that her heart hurt so much that she thought she was having a heart attack. The worst thing, though, is that she knew she could possibly die from this - her heartstrings could be seriously damaged and they could collapse. It was a real thing.

Lucia needed to get off of the internet.

Music wasn't quite helping either - there'd always be something in a song that reminded her of Luke or just 5 Seconds of Summer in general and it sucked. God, liking someone this much wasn't fun. Her friends, even Beau, always said how nice and exciting it was to know you had feelings for someone because everything they did just seemed so much more... beautiful. It wasn't like that for Lucia - every time Luke did something she felt herself almost die a little bit inside because she was nothing compared to him and yet he seemed so intrigued by her.

The best way to describe it was that he was the sun - bright, warm, happy, known, exciting. A star among millions and billions of others. He was big yet compared to others he was absolutely nothing, though it didn't seem to bother him at all. And she, Lucia, she was pluto. She was in the outer corners of the solar system - cold, small, forgotten. And for those who still remembered her, she wasn't known as one of them, she was known as something else entirely. She was a tiny, misshapen planet among billions of stars and other planets, and she couldn't even make herself known if she had the chance.

Luke was someone who made everything better - he smiled with such excitement that he could be compared to a little kid who was so young and happy with life.

Lucia was someone who made everything worse - she never smiled with excitement and she was too shy to be able to hold a decent conversation with someone.

And maybe the whole reason they seemed to like each other, Lucia thought, was exactly that.

They were complete opposites, and everyone knows that opposites attract.

wrapped around your finger

The plane ride was only about four or five hours, which Lucia was thankful for. If she had been on that plane with the man who kept falling asleep on her shoulder and with her thoughts, she would've gone insane.

Lucia almost ran off the plane when the pilot said they could leave. She ended up not doing so - as she would most likely trip - and shakily grabbed her bags before she walked off the plane and to the building of the airport.

Shea's car was somewhere around here, though Lucia didn't have the keys, so taxi it was. She didn't have much money left, but then again, she would get more once she started working again. Lucia wondered how everyone was doing, and how they reacted when she had told them she was going on tour for a few months. She had called a coworker before her and Shea and left, telling them to tell Karin she was going to be gone for a while from being on tour.

It had only been a few days, but Lucia felt like she had missed out on so many things already.

Lucia called a taxi and dropped her bags in the trunk of the yellow cab, hopping in the back of the car before telling the driver where to go. They arrived quickly - whether it be because Lucia was lost in thought or because it was fast traffic - and Lucia paid the man before she got out of the car and grabbed her bags.

She walked up the stairs to her small apartment, her breathing shaky and she wasn't sure why. Lucia unlocked her door and walked inside, finding it the same as she left it: messy, clothes everywhere, and of course the gross ramen stain from when Shea had called Luke for her.

The brunette took another look around. On the counter were a couple of still-syrupy plates from when she'd made pancakes for herself and Luke, and on the coffee table was the Mean Girls DVD they had watched.

Lucia wandered into her bedroom and saw, on the floor, like everything else, something that definitely wasn't hers yet she had the urge to crawl into it and just think.

So she did.

Luke's red flannel was soft, and way too big for Lucia. It went over her hands and to the middle of her thighs, and she didn't care. The thing she did care about, though, was the smell.

It smelled of Luke, and that's what finally broke her.

Lucia was crying and balling up the flannel sleeves in her small hands and trying not to suffocate from her own thoughts and she kept blaming herself for everything even though she knew she wasn't totally in the wrong; that Luke had played a part in this too and that it was his fault too.

But, she thought, she couldn't blame him because she was the one who left, and she was the one who was doing this to herself.

There was a knock at the front door that Lucia jumped at, but didn't stop crying - it was like her eyes were waterfalls. In fact, once she heard Shea's voice from the other side, she cried harder. Lucia had also left Shea without a right explanation.

"Lucia, please, babe, open up! It's Shea, I need to talk to you!" Her friend said from the other side of the door. Lucia just stood there, in the doorway of her room, in Luke's soft and too-big red flannel, crying until there was silence from outside.

Lucia noticed and wiped her eyes, letting out small whimpers as she slowly walked through the narrow hallway of her apartment, feet making soft sounds on the carpet below. She got to the door and looked through the peephole, seeing no one there but a suitcase. Lucia guessed Shea was either trying to get through her window or hiding from her so she'd think the blonde was gone.

Lucia only sighed and went back to her room, closing the door behind her and walking to her bed - not before taking off her shoes and pants - and laying down quietly in Luke's flannel, breathing in his scent before it went away.

Her phone rang, and she looked around before finding it on the floor of her room in her pants' pocket. Lucia sniffed and crawled down to it, seeing the name on the screen and almost crying all over again.


i'm so so so so sorry i'm seriously sorry holy fuck
k so i was at my grandparent's for a while and i couldn't write and i was also procrastinating
i'm sorry guys :-( this chapter's really short and i haven't updated in a while i'm sorry
no ok but this chapter (or part of it, at least) is based off of a song called 102 by Matt Healy (singer of the 1975)
i seriously think it describes luke and lucia so well, so if you can look it up and see if you like it !

wrapped around your finger • lrh [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now