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That is the word that Lucia would use to describe how she felt at the moment, her chest always tightening. Like chains gripping at her chest.

Who could blame her? Yet again, she had to stay behind to clean the coffee shop in which she worked at up. It seemed that all of her coworkers knew when Karin was going to ask someone to do something, and they rushed out when their shift was over. Except for Lucia, of course, who was so oblivious to practically anything and everything.

She swore she was cursed.

With an upset sigh, Lucia grabbed the same sickly green rag, which was now more of a yellow thanks to the two-year-old who decided to throw his mother's coffee while they sat at a table.

This time, instead of having both earphones in, Lucia only had in one. She didn't need the embarrassment of someone catching her dancing again - if it was to happen again, she would have died of embarrassment. Again.

She went into her music and evidently hit shuffle amongst one of her playlists, the first song coming on not recognizable until a few seconds in. It was Hold Me Up by Conrad Sewell. Lucia's music wasn't all one genre, but more like a mix of everything. Yes, she stuck to more of an alternative or punk-pop, but she did have some hardcore rock and those cheesy pop love songs somewhere in the deepest and darkest corner of her music.

Lucia hummed a bit to the song, silently singing along after a bit.

"'Till you came and save my life in the lonely hour, in the lonely hour, oh," Lucia sang quietly, glancing around every so often to make sure that no one was going to tap on her shoulder, or sing along with her.

The rest of the cleaning went smoothly, with her singing and the swaying of her hips, and occasionally checking over her shoulder to make sure that no one was there. Not that they could see inside - that was how the windows in the café worked. You could see outside, but not in.

wrapped around your finger

Lucia yawned, her legs taking her away from the café building. She had stayed at work for at least an hour or so past when she was supposed to leave, making sure everything was spotless though she knew she would just have to clean it up all over again.

There was a sweet smell - a warm, soothing smell coming from a brightly lit shop down the road. Lucia didn't usually stop by shops or anything on the way home, always eager to lay down and sleep on her comforter. Or just hang around, browsing on her computer.

Either way.

But this time, Lucia felt as if she needed to, as if it was calling out for her to stop by. She was hungry, after all, she thought she might as well see what it was. She wasn't in such a big rush to run home - her computer and comforter could wait for her arrival.

She walked inside and was instantly happy.

Warm colors - such as brown, yellow, tan, a little bit of red here and there, and much more - decorated the black-gray walls, creating a nice demeanor to the place. A glass shelf guarded many different chocolates, only letting you look, as if to tease you.

Lucia, being her, inevitably made her way over to the glass case and started looking for a chocolate that interested her taste buds. She decided on the hazelnut truffle, along with the mint-filled truffle. She got a few of each, and watched intently as the cashier gently stuffed the delicacies into a small, dark chestnut brown box. Lucia payed and then ran out of the store, needing to get home so she could eat the candies and be her usual, introverted self.

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