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Calum was an amazing kisser. Maybe even better than Luke.

Lucia didn't know what she was doing, all she knew was that there was Sex by The 1975 playing in the club and that she was on Calum's lap making out with him like his lips were air and she was on Mars.

His hands were under her shirt, against her skin as they grasped her waist. Her own hands were running down his, occasionally tangling themselves in his hair - which elicited a harsh and held back groan from the male.

Calum's tongue swept across her bottom lip and she gradually let him explore.

"What the fuck?"

Lucia quickly pushed herself away from Calum and flopped down next to him, looking at who had spoken as a blush crawled up her neck to her face.

Luke was there, standing with both an angry and hurt look on his face, something Lucia wouldn't've liked to see. She swallowed loudly and felt her heart racing in her chest in fear. She was ashamed of what she had done - she didn't want to lead Calum on and she most certainly didn't want to hurt Luke.

"Luke, I -" Calum started, immediately interrupted by his friend.

"No, just - shut the fuck up, okay? Jesus, I need some air."

Luke left towards the exit and both Lucia and Calum were left speechless. Lucia was freaking out silently, though she was running her hands through her hair and biting her lip like crazy before she decided to speak.

"I - Cal, I'm sorry. I have to go after him." Lucia said against the music, a sorrowful look on her face. Calum was a great guy, he really was - she just wasn't for him. She didn't know why she kissed him, she figured it was just because she was drunk and because she was upset about Luke. Lucia felt horrible letting him off like this even though she knew it was the right thing to do.

Calum gave her one of the most heartbreaking smiles she'd ever seen, and even though he was quiet, Lucia still heard him mumble against the music.

"Yeah, I - I know. I knew it'd never really work out, but I guess that didn't stop me. Just... go after him - and try to convince him not to kill me?" Calum said.

Lucia gave him a sorrowful smile and a kiss on the cheek before she sat up, adjusted herself so she didn't look so horrible, and ran out of the exit.

wrapped around your finger

Luke was standing at the side of the club, leaning against the wall in the cool yet warming air. He almost blended in with the night - wearing all black as he usually did.

Lucia didn't say anything as she stepped around the corner, her hands behind her back shyly. She was definitely afraid. This is what she didn't want to happen to her, she didn't want Luke to hate her. It scared her that now it was probably happening.

"I-I'm... I-I'm sorry." Lucia said quietly.

Luke scoffed, looking at her as if she were gum on the bottom of his shoe. "Yeah? I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I fucking fell for you, that's what I'm sorry for - because I honestly didn't take you as the type to cheat." He said, casting a glance at her before looking at whatever was in front of him.

"Wait," Lucia said, becoming annoyed. "We were dating?"

"Well, yeah. Kind of." Luke said sarcastically.

Lucia didn't hold herself back - she was angry as hell, and she was going to show him.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Luke - I need some goddamn confirmation, okay? Jesus Christ, you can't just kiss me and not inform me that you'd like to date me! I'm not like other girls, Luke, I need to know - I need verbal confirmation." Lucia yelled at him, hand gestures flying everywhere.

Luke looked at her with an obviously angered face as he pointed to the parking lot. "Oh, really? Then take a hint and fucking leave, Lucia. I don't want to be near you anymore."

Lucia winced. That hurt. A lot.

"Y-You know what? Fine. Enjoy the rest of the tour." She barked, tears threatening to spill as she walked away. She pushed them back and went to the edge of the street, calling for a taxi. One pulled over to the side of the street and she hopped in, telling the driver to go to the hotel they were all staying at.

They arrived a short five minutes later and Lucia called Shea to tell her she was planning to catch a flight that night. (ahahA RHYMES)

"Hello? Lu? I can't hear you, let me get out of the club." Shea yelled into the phone even though Lucia hadn't said anything.

"Okay, what's up buttercup? Where'd you go?"

"I'm leaving. I can't be here anymore, I'm catching a plane tonight to go back home. I should be there in the morning if I leave by now." Lucia told her friend.

There was silence between the two before Shea was yelling into the phone about how she was coming to get her and how she was going with Lucia, but the brunette didn't listen to everything as she hung up the phone.

Lucia walked into her and Shea's hotel room, grabbing her things and stuffing them in their bags. She walked outside to where she had told the taxi driver to wait and put her bags in the trunk of the car. She got in the backseat again and told the driver to go to the airport, to which he obliged.

Lucia already knew which plane to catch, so she only had to buy her tickets and then she'd be on the plane back home, where she'd be perfectly fine.

Everything would go back to normal and she wouldn't be upset about losing someone whom she grew to like so much that she knew when she got home she wouldn't be okay, no matter how much she wanted to believe she would.

Lucia sighed as she looked at the window, hoping that when she got home she wouldn't feel as bad as she felt now.

don't murder me please i don't wanna die yet i need to finish this

wrapped around your finger • lrh [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now