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"Oh my fucking God!"

Lucia had to plug her ears from Shea screeching.

She may or may not have told her about the kiss (or kisses) that Luke had given her. Although she did explain in detail, Lucia didn't add that she didn't know what to do at first because her first kiss had been when she was nineteen - now.

"You - Lucia, shit - how does this happen, I - I'm so happy for you, really, like, oh my God." Shea spoke - or tried to. Lucia was even more calm about it than the blonde who looked like she was having some type of seizure and Lucia wouldn't be surprised if Ashton came in dressed as a paramedic to take Shea away and then within another year they'd be married with three kids.

Her imagination was running wild. Is this what a kiss did to someone? Jesus.

Lucia knew she was blushing - and probably looked like a tomato - but she couldn't feel it. She supposed you lost all feeling in your face once you blushed too much - which she had, especially in the last few days.

"So, does that mean you're dating now?" Shea suddenly asked after a moment of silence. Lucia froze completely.

Did it?

The brunette was already stressing over it. Yes, she liked Luke, a lot, and he had told her he liked her as well, and they'd kissed - did that mean they were dating? Lucia had always assumed that once you went on a date or once you kissed then it automatically meant you were dating, but of course she had seen in stories that one of the people in the relationship would ask the other if they wanted to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. Relationships were weird.

Lucia stayed silent for a moment before replying hesitantly. "I-I'm not sure, honestly." The blonde sensed her friend's disappointment and scooted over to give her a quick side hug, laying her head on the other's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Shea said.

Lucia nodded. "It's fine."

She found herself wanting to be dating Luke. Screw the paparazzi, the media, the fans, everything. Lucia just wanted to know that she was his girlfriend, because she liked him a lot and it would feel so nice to know that she meant something to someone.

For just a little while, at least. That's all she wanted.

wrapped around your finger

Currently, the boys were on stage and Lucia was backstage while Shea was going to the restroom.

The brunette was extremely bored, and while she was singing along to Waste The Night, she was playing Candy Crush on her phone, though not really paying attention to it. Her thoughts kept getting in the way.

It shouldn't bother her this much - of course she wouldn't be Luke's girlfriend. How could she? She was just a dorky girl who was too shy to function. Not to mention Luke was the lead singer of a way-too-popular band, and if their fans found out he was dating someone - especially Lucia - they'd go crazy. Hate wouldn't only go to her, but probably to the whole band as well.

It was a thought that made Lucia sick.

Shea came out of the bathroom and sat down next to Lucia silently, pulling out her phone and going onto whatever app.

A few seconds later, however, the blonde let out a loud gasp that made Lucia jump in fear her friend was hurt.

"What? Shea, what's wrong?" Lucia asked, panicked. Shea only shook her head and sighed, looking over to her friend and showing her the thing that made her oh-so surprised.

wrapped around your finger • lrh [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now