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Lucia was almost falling asleep on the counter, clear drool slipping from her ajar mouth every time she rested her chin on her palm. Her green eyes would droop closed, and then once her hand started slipping out from under her chin, she would snap awake and serve the next costumer. Multiple times she had gotten worried glances from Karin, but she would send a shy smile and wave it off.

And it was all because of that damn band.

Now, Lucia would've slept longer if she hadn't spent four or five hours just eating ramen and looking up 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Their music was good, Lucia would definitely admit that. She found herself buying a few songs on iTunes, including San Francisco and Amnesia - which she almost cried the first time she heard it. Let's face it, Lucia is a very emotional person. She even had the time to listen to it on her walk to work. The thing that was really bothering her, though, was the band members themselves.

God, why did they have to be that attractive?

Okay, yes, Lucia had spent most of the night just looking at them and learning about them on Google and was maybe a little too happy when she found out they were around her own age. But the one that caught her eye was the one with the beautiful blue eyes. Luke Hemmings, if she remembered his last name correctly.

Lucia wasn't sure why she just completely became a fan of them within about five hours, but whatever it was, she was happy. A band of good-looking boys who play some awesome music? Hell yes. Sure, there were other bands but they'd have to wait.

A cough drove her out of her thoughts- Lucia turned to her right to see Karin, a small smile on her face. No one was ordering at the register, so she walked over to her boss and immediately became worried. Was she in trouble for dozing off? Lucia couldn't lose her job. Nuh-uh. No way.

Karin rolled her eyes playfully, obviously seeing Lucia flustered though she tried to hide it, and pointed to the clock. Lucia's eyes trailed up to the ticking clock. It was five minutes past her break, and she flushed at the realization. Usually she was right on time with things like this.

Nonetheless, she muttered a small "Thank you," and grabbed a cup by the coffee machine to make her own favorite coffee.

She grabbed a book from her bag in the locker room, then cautiously made her way to a table in the back, near one of the wide windows. Lucia took a sip of her coffee and licked her lips, eyes trailing all over the book cover as her pale hand grasped the spine of the hard wood. She opened her book, which was one she had read over a hundred times, it seemed. It was good, though - a horror novel, which was her favorite genre.

Lucia stole a glance at the clock. She still had 15 minutes to read and let the book sweep her away from the Earth.

wrapped around your finger


Lucia was stuck cleaning again.

She sighed heavily as she wiped the tables down, with the same sickly-green rag as usual. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, some dark strands falling out and framing her face. Lucia was annoyed, and when she was annoyed she either became more introverted or way too talkative and sassy for anyone else's liking, considering she was usually very sweet and shy.

Today was a little bit of both.

Lucia moved to the next table, and the next, until she decided she'd work more proficiently with some music. She fished her phone out of her back pocket and quickly grabbed her earphones from the back. She didn't dare play it out loud, since she was a little embarrassed of listening to what pubescent thirteen-year-olds listen to. She couldn't blame anyone, though - 5 Seconds Of Summer was an amazing band.

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