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 Breakfast had passed fairly quickly, Shea and Lucia talking about whatever and occasionally the boys would jump in with a sarcastic comment - which usually ended with a punch in the shoulder by Shea, no matter if she had to reach across the table or totally lean across it. Michael and Luke had come down a little later, but still in time for breakfast. Other than Shea's obsessive punching every time Michael made a joke, breakfast was fun for Lucia.

Now, the question was what they were going to do when the guys went to sound check for the day.

Calum suggested they just come with, but Lucia instantly denied - despite Shea's pleas and "oh, come on!"s and "you're no fun!"s. Lucia sent a glare that could kill and Shea completely shut up, earning scared glances from the boys.

"Thanks, but no. We're gonna walk around the city a bit." Lucia said, quietly murmuring under her breath, "unless I have to kill Shea, then I'll be burying a dead body."

Michael laughed at that and Shea looked playfully offended, placing a hand over her chest dramatically. "To think you were on my side! I am betrayed, Michael." The blonde said, earning laughs from around the table. Shea had that effect on people - she could make them laugh with a simple dramatic phrase, and Lucia loved that about her.

After a bit more of talking, Lucia said she had to go get her contacts in, and Luke offered to go with, saying he needed his sunglasses. Lucia felt her heart jump in her chest - Jesus, she had it bad - and she nodded, walking out of the dining room to elevators. Yes, she was freaked the hell out, but she wanted to play it off as nothing.

Because chances are, if she freaked out in front of Luke again, she'd never forgive herself.

They both walked into the box and Luke pressed the sixth floor button. The elevator ride was mostly quiet - Lucia too afraid to speak because of being on the elevator and Luke just doing whatever that kept him from talking.

The doors opened and, once again, Lucia had to keep from sprinting out. The two walked to their corresponding rooms and within a few minutes they were both ready - Lucia with her contacts and Luke with his sunglasses.

Again, they stepped into the elevator silently, but this time Luke spoke.

"Did I do something?" He asked, his eyes darting to meet Lucia's green ones, which were widened after what he said. "Was it what I said yesterday?" He questioned again. Lucia's mind flickered back to the day before, the compliment he gave her that made her feel much more confident in herself.

"N-No, I - why would you think you did something? And it was definitely not what you said yesterday, if anything, that was sweet, and I really appreciated it - wait, yeah, why would you think that?" Lucia asked, getting on topic again. Luke let out a sigh.

"It just seems like you've been avoiding me." He said quietly, earning a stifled giggle from Lucia. Even she knew that not talking to him for a few hours wasn't avoiding.

"Plus," Luke added softly. "I heard you crying last night, and you didn't talk to me about it. I told you that you could talk to me, didn't I?"

Lucia blushed at his comment, embarrassed that he heard. "Y-Yeah, I know, I'm sorry - I-I just... didn't think of it." She said, meeting his gaze again. Both of them had subconsciously moved closer to each other, and the realization hit Lucia.

Luke looked into her eyes, his blue gaze steady with a tinge of nervousness. It confused Lucia as to why he'd be nervous, it should be her, and it was her.

"I wish that you'd think of me more often." Luke said. Lucia blinked a few times before she noticed Luke was leaning down, and she barely had time to contemplate why he was and why he said what he said before his lips were on hers.

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