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Lucia woke abruptly, quickly sitting up in her bed with a small squeak. She snapped her head around the room, looking for someone - vaguely remembering the "Night, Luce" from last night - and she sighed with relief once she found no one. While clambering out of bed she realized she had no pants on, which she must've taken off in her sleep because she would've remembered someone taking her pants off.


The brunette sighed, standing up and running a hand through her hair. She lazily moved over to her bathroom, doing her business and then brushing through her hair. Lucia walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants, quickly pulling them on and pulling her hair up in a messy ponytail.

She exited her room and yawned as walked down the hallway and found that someone left a note on the coffee table. How she noticed it, she didn't know, but Lucia walked over to the table and picked up the note. Scribbly yet readable handwriting filled up the small piece of paper.

'Hi Luce!' The note read. 'The boys told me Shea fell asleep on the way to her place, so they just brought her to the hotel. they said she'd be by your place sometime soon, and I already left, which is why I'm writing this note. Just thought I should let you know, and if you need anything, shoot me a text. :-) - Luke'

Lucia sighed, rolling her eyes with a playful smile as she finished the note. She decided she might as well get ready, seeing as Shea might barge in at any time, and walked to her room to throw on some light-washed jeans and a black sweater on.

The second Lucia stepped out of her room, her front door burst open and Shea was found on the other side, a grin on her face as she ran over to Lucia. There wasn't that much of a distance between the doorway and where Lucia's bedroom door was, so when Shea hugged her friend the impact sent the two of them whirling backwards.

"Whoa, calm down there, Shea, what happened?" Lucia asked with a small laugh as she pulled away and started down the narrow hallway again. Shea followed suit, her grin still evident on her face. Lucia opened her fridge and pulled out a can of soda, cracking it open and taking a sip before looking over at Shea with a face that said, "Tell me what happened."

Shea took the hint and squealed, jumping, seemingly not being able to hold her excitement.

"We're going on tour with 5SOS!"

wrapped around your finger

Lucia couldn't catch her breath. In her mind, she'd reach for it, but away it went, flying somewhere.

It wasn't the best feeling.

"What...? I - Shea, what the hell? What did you - oh my God, you bribed them with dirty pictures, didn't you?" Lucia practically screeched, her hands latching onto her friend's shoulders. Shea only shook her head and beamed, grinning from ear to ear.

"No, no," The blonde said. "I was getting ready to leave, and Luke walked in. We talked for a bit and then he mentioned something about wanting to spend more time with us, and I suggested we go on tour with them. Luke seemed really happy about it and when he asked the boys they all said yes too!"

Shea was all to excited, hopping up and down, squealing, what every other girl would do, but Lucia was almost the complete opposite.

Yes, she wanted to go on tour with 5 Seconds of Summer. Yes, she wanted to spend more time with Luke and the rest of the band. Yes, she was happy to be given this opportunity to just see the world and explore. And yes, God, yes, was she happy to just do something with her life because even though she was introverted and shy and socially awkward, she wanted to go places. To do things.

It was just really surreal to her.

Lucia sighed, running a hand through her hair. She couldn't believe she was doing this. "When does the plane leave?" She asked, and Shea looked surprised and ecstatic at the same time.

"Well, within the next two hours, I'm pretty sure."

Lucia smiled a little bit, walking to her room and then looking over her shoulder at Shea.

"Guess you better get packing, huh?"

wrapped around your finger

It took about an hour, but Lucia was finally all packed. She had a pretty large suitcase stuffed with clothes and shoes along with a few other things. The brunette grabbed her phone and sat down on her couch, texting Shea to tell her she was ready. Shea was the only one of the three of them - Lucia, Shea, and Beau - who had a car, and that meant she was picking Lucia up.

The second she closed her phone off there was another vibration and Lucia wordlessly opened up the text to find it from Luke.


Luke: So... did shea tell you about the whole coming on tour with us thing?

> Yeah

Luke: ...

> She did, and I'm coming. I'll probably see you in an hour or so


Lucia stretched her legs as a text sent from Shea was made, a quick "get in loser, we're going on tour" - a Mean Girls reference, something Lucia rolled her eyes at - and she grabbed her suitcase, keys, and earphones, opening her front door and closing it behind her. She locked it - making sure to double check - and then made her way down the steps.

It must've looked really weird - this skinny, short girl lugging a giant suitcase down a flight of stairs, but Lucia didn't see to care, she was just excited. It was the first time for a while that she truthfully was looking forward to something. Maybe aside from the concert, but, either way.

The brunette lifted the suitcase into the trunk of Shea's old Sedan, shutting the trunk door and making her way to the passenger seat. Shea had the aux cord plugged into her phone, blasting - of course - and older 5SOS song to which Lucia recognized as Amnesia.

The drive to the airport was mostly full of laughter and excitement - maybe a few tears when a more sad song came up - and before they knew it, they were trying to find a parking place.

It was a lot longer than anticipated.

"Oh my God, I think there's one right there!" Lucia practically screeched, point ahead. Shea instantly perked up, looking ahead as well to find, finally, a free parking space. Thin, but they could work with that. Shea pulled in quickly and they rushed to get their stuff and get to the line for the plane.

They went inside the airport and were greeted with a few men holding up signs. It was normal - but the thing that made Lucia kind of smile inside was the fact that one of those signs had both Shea's and Lucia's names on it.

Shea walked up to the man and did the talking about tickets and 5SOS and more, and he only nodded, ending the conversation with a "Yes, I know. The band asked me to bring you to plane; your tickets and other things have been paid for. You'll be in first class."

Lucia trailed her suitcase behind her towards the plane, nervousness growing in a small pit in her stomach. What if she was underdressed? Where would they go? Would the band suddenly get tired of her?

No. She needed to stay focused. She needed to be positive, because this was amazing. She needed an escape.

Lucia turned around right as the plane door closed, and wondered, with some more confidence:

'How did I even end up here?'

fuck i'm so sorry
okay well
i'm not too proud of this chapter :-( it's really short and lame and ugh

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