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"Oh my God, Lu, you actually came!" Michael said as Lucia made her way through the large seats. She let out a shy laugh.

"Yeah, I - uh, I did." Lucia said, and to make it less awkward added, "God knows what you guys would've done to Shea without me."

The boys all rolled their eyes and Shea lightly punched Lucia in the shoulder, earning a rare cheeky grin from the brunette. Lucia moved to sit next to the window, the white cushiony chair practically screaming for her to sit down and pass out. She was tired, after all, and plane rides freaked her the fuck out.

Lucia sat down and swore she sunk into the chair a little bit, but nonetheless made herself comfortable. Her and Shea's suitcases had already been put away while they were talking. She looked around to see everyone on their phones or talking, and realized then that the plane itself wasn't that crowded. First class really was different.

The chairs were huge and extremely comfortable, and they weren't in rows or anything. There were two chairs near a window, sitting across from each other, and a small table in the middle. Under that there was an outlet - which Lucia was immensely grateful for. Cupholders were placed in the arms of the chairs, and there was a small compartment next to the window to put things in.

First class? Hell yes.

Lucia ran a hand through her hair and pulled out her laptop in hopes of watching a movie - she had downloaded many a few months ago, but never watched them - and decided on a thriller, Hush. She had never been the one for horror movies, but it still excited her to an extent that she didn't freak out and scream.


wrapped around your finger

"Oh my God!" Lucia suddenly shrieked, causing everyone to jump from their seats to see what was wrong. Calum was woken from a nap, and he struggled to comprehend what was going on. Shea sat next to Ashton, shaking her head and letting out a sigh.

Michael and Luke were by Lucia now while she set her hand over her chest, feeling her heartbeat. Luke turned to Shea and gave her a "what the fuck are you doing?" look, and she explained.

"Lucy's watching a movie. A horror one, at that. Just look. She's paused it on a very gruesome part and by the looks of it, she's a little freaked out."

Michael looked at the laptop screen, looked at Shea, looked at the screen, then looked at Lucia. And with a small movement, he sat close next to Lucia. "I wanna watch this." He said, sitting up to grab the blanket he had before, wrapping it around Lucia's legs - erupting a giggle from her - and then around his own.

Lucia noticed Luke was staring intently at Michael, though being who she was she didn't pay attention to it. She clicked on the play button on her laptop, then realizing her earphones were still plugged in, took them out too. The main protagonist was deaf, so the movie itself was quiet - good for a long ride or flight or whatever.

Luke was still standing next to the two of them, and Lucia looked up at him. "Do.. Do you wanna watch too?" She asked quietly. Luke seemed surprised for a moment but quickly muttered a "no thanks" and scurried away back to his seat, where he put his earphones in and looked out the window into the clouds.

Lucia played the scene through her mind again - had he blushed? Surely not. Not to her. Not because of her. Definitely not.

Then, of course, there was the teeny, tiny fangirl part of her that said, "...or maybe he was."

Lucia pushed the thought out of her mind and went back to her movie with Michael (a/n: that needs to be a thing he makes: movie time with mikey). She ran a hand through her hair and stretched a bit, suddenly feeling tired. All the suspense from the movie had exhausted her - plus she didn't get to sleep until late last night.

wrapped around your finger • lrh [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now