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(holy shit we have almost 130 readers omg)

So far, it had been a week since Luke had called Lucia.

And she was still utterly, horribly, stubbornly heartbroken.

Of course she had those good days where Beau and Shea would make her laugh so hard she was sure she was about to pass out from loss of breath, but then there were the other days that weren't so happy. She was stuck at work most days, though Karin had allowed her to come in later, and the few days she wasn't she was at the library or at home; both of those places horrible places to be. They reminded her of Luke.

Lucia hadn't yet gotten rid of Luke's flannel, either. She wore it a lot - though she wouldn't ever admit that to anyone, ever -, but only at home. The brunette couldn't count how many times her best friends had barged in and she had to quickly take the too-big red and black shirt off and hide it somewhere in her room.

They didn't even know the meaning of privacy.

The day Lucia actually chose to speak to Shea was one full of emotion - almost as much as the night she had left the tour.

Lucia was at work, like usual, taking a customer's order and moving on to the next. She hadn't noticed that Shea was in the line and once she did, the blonde was ready to have her "order taken". Shea ended up ordering an iced coffee and Lucia asked one of her coworkers to take over the cash register while she went and did something - talk to Shea.

The brunette had taken her friend to the back, near the employee lockers and taken many deep breaths before stuttering out her apology.

"I-I'm sorry, I just overreacted and - and I didn't think about it and I probably should've talked to you about it more but I was just so upset and sad and I -" Lucia had babbled, only to get cut off by her blonde friend hugging her tightly.

They shared that moment for a long time, just standing there hugging each other, before Shea pulled away and ruffled Lucia's hair affectionally and telling her that it wasn't her fault, that sometimes feelings took over.

Lucia, throughout the few days her friends had pampered her with love and thankfulness and the occasional presents, realized that she was so lucky to have friends that loved her this much. She loved them too, so much that it hurt, and she knew she wouldn't be able to get over it if they ever left her.

So as she sat in the middle of her sofa in her apartment alone, watching a b-horror movie, Lucia smiled to herself.

wrapped around your finger

"Oh my God, Shea, where the hell are you taking me?" Lucia groaned as Shea pulled her down the sidewalk.

"You'll see! I swear you'll love it. You're gonna thank me." The blonde replied, heading towards the mall.

Lucia instantly knew she wasn't going to get out of there without a pair of broken legs.

While Lucia had been watching the low budget movie in her living room when Shea suddenly burst through the door, her brown eyes wide with excitement and her phone in her hand. "Lu! Let's go out for a bit!"

Lucia had shaken her head, pausing her movie to look at Shea. "No, I look horrible."

"Then get dressed, you damn hermit!"

Lucia had done as she was told, reminding herself never to argue with Shea as she would eventually do whatever her blonde friend wanted. She'd quickly put on some light-colored jeans and a sweater, followed by her regular converse.

The brunette had barely gotten her phone in her pocket before Shea had dragged her out of the house and down the street.

wrapped around your finger

"Oh my God. I'm not buying that."

"You are. You're doing it."

"Shea, no! I can't! It's so - so... revealing."

"So? It's supposed to be, it's a bra."

"Bras don't have clear holes in them."

Shea huffed, annoyed that Lucia wouldn't buy some lingerie set from Victoria's Secret. Lucia stood her ground - for once, when it came to Shea - and folded her arms defiantly. "Look, I would. It's cute - I like the color." Lucia said, then took a deep breath. "But I personally don't think your nipples are supposed to be visible. Just a thought."

Her blonde friend shot her a look. "No - that's the whole point of it! It's what you'd wear when getting into some sexy-time with your boyfriend!" Shea said with a tone that spoke "duh!", causing Lucia to blush profusely as she shook her head frantically.

"I-I don't have a boyfriend, Shea. I don't need it." Lucia spoke over the music.

Shea folded her own arms over her chest, looking at Lucia as she got her phone out of her back pocket. "If Luke hadn't been such a dick and you weren't so sensitive," She said, looking at a text she received. "Then maybe you'd be looking forward to buying this."

Lucia's jaw dropped at her friend's words, about to tell her off but stopped when she realized that it was true.

Plus, Shea had already said something before Lucia could.

"Oh! Shit, let's go! We have to go." The blonde said, taking Lucia's wrist and dragging her out of the shop.

"Shea, where the hell are we going? And what is going on?" Lucia asked, annoyed that Shea was being so distant today. Not physically, she was perfectly fine - dragging Lucia around, hugging her when she agreed to do something. But Shea kept checking her phone and looking around, which confused her friend to no end.

Shea didn't answer, but walked out of the mall and started down the street. Lucia sighed, noticing that Shea had let go of her wrist, which she was thankful for. The blonde had a wide grin on her face - one that definitely meant she was up to something, and Lucia started to keep her distance, walking a few paces behind her.

They walked for a little longer, Lucia being wary and Shea grinning from ear to ear. After around five minutes they arrived at the city park - which was basically a huge patch of grass filled with trees. It was a nice place, and Lucia often went there if she needed time to think.

Shea walked down the sidewalk in the park, near a bench in the middle, before whipping out her phone and widening her eyes dramatically.

"Oh, wow, looks like, uh, Beau needs me! I'll be right back! Bye!" Shea said. The words in the last sentence were smushed together, and she rushed out of the park, Lucia sighing again.

She shuffled her feet back and forth, waiting for Shea to come back. Lucia sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today, sitting down on the bench next to her, realizing that Shea would take a lot longer than what she wanted.

"'Be right back' my ass." Lucia murmured, folding her arms over her chest as she waited. Her eyes focused on the detailed wood of the bench, a frail hand coming to pick at a splinter of wood.


The brunette heard her name, and lifted her head to see her least and most favorite person in the world.

The pop star with too-tight jeans and too-blue eyes and too-blonde hair stood in front of her, his lip tugged between his teeth as he stood in front of her awkwardly, leaning back and forth as his eyes darted from her to other things in the park.

Lucia didn't know why Luke was here, in front of her, nervous as hell, but for whatever reason, she was so goddamn happy he was.

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