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Lucia awoke to being immensely warm with the bright sun beaming on her pale face.

She raised her arm to cover her eyes, looking to shield her emerald eyes from the blinding light, only finding that she couldn't move it. It was locked down somewhere in between her and...

Oh, no. Someone else? Did it really have to be another person?

Lucia blushed and slowly but surely moved her arm out of the valley space between her own body and the unknown person. With a small sigh she tried to be quiet as best as she could as she unhooked herself from the persons arms and legs - and if it were in another situation, Lucia probably would've just let herself snuggle into them- but since she didn't know who it was, she panicked.

And then, once she got far enough away from the person to look at their face, she flinched hard and fell off her bed, thumping to the floor, surely waking the other person.

A small squeak fell past her lips as she fell from the bed and onto the hard floor. She laid there for a moment before muttering a string of profanities, then getting up to peek over the bed's edge, glancing around. She didn't dare show herself, and if you were on the bed you'd only be able to see her eyes, the top of her head, and the brown patch of hair coming down from the top of her head.

Lucia saw the person stir and move so their face came into view. Her face heated up even more than it had before when she was even in an embrace with him.

Luke Hemmings slept soundly on her bed, in a mix of her white sheets and his own black clothing that stood out greatly against her comforter.

Lucia, still blushing a bright red, gulped loudly and climbed on her bed, carefully crawling over to Luke, trying not to startle the male. He stirred in his sleep again - which Lucia found absolutely adorable. But that wasn't the point. Lucia froze, catching her bottom lip between her teeth as she waited for a moment before making another move. Once she was close enough, she timidly leaned over him and poked him, retreating her hand.

'Dear God, this is childish.' Lucia thought to herself as she groaned inwardly in embarrassment.

Luke didn't wake up, so Lucia poked him again, to which he waved her off, his eyebrows furrowing. Lucia sighed with annoyance, poking him in his puffing, rosy pink cheek. His blue eyes fluttered opened quickly and he immediately sat up.

Which caused both Lucia and Luke pain.

Because she was leaning over him, once he sat up, their foreheads clashed together, and they both ended up on the bed, cupping their heads in their hands as they rolled around in anguish. Lucia ended up chuckling bitterly, knowing that with her luck, it was inevitable that she and him would most likely get hurt. She sighed as she got up and looked over at Luke, who was just laying back on the bed.

He looked over at her and their eyes met for a split second before Lucia darted her eyes away, averting her gaze from his own. Lucia heard Luke chuckle, which turned into a fit of laughter.

"A-Are," Luke spoke, small chuckles raking his frame. "Are you really that clumsy?"

Lucia felt her face grow hot (and some of it wasn't from him laughing. Of course not. Why would she be blushing because of his laugh? It's not even sexy or anything. Nope.) and she huffed angrily, chucking a pillow at him before walking out of the room playfully, which resulted in a small, "ow, that hurt!" from Luke. Lucia giggled a bit, walking outside into the kitchen to see the time was around eleven in the morning.

"Oh, shit." Lucia swore quietly, running inside her room and gathering clothes into her hands. Her shift at the coffee shop started in - literally - thirty minutes. She had slept in (damn Luke and his amazing cuddling skills).

Luke stared at her with a confused gaze before getting the hint and stepping out of the room, as he did so, Lucia swore she could've seen a small pink blush fill his cheeks. She pushed the thought aside and quickly got dressed, walking out in a tank top with her intended shirt in her hands. Lucia grabbed a bottle of water and shrugged her shirt on, opening the bottle and taking a sip after. Luke coughed awkwardly in the corner, and Lucia remembered he was still here.

Lucia spun on her heels, and the second she met his blue gaze she felt her face grow hot. With a sigh she spoke, biting her top lip.

"F-For once, we'll be open while you're here... w-would you wanna g-get a coffee while you're there?" Lucia asked, fidgeting in place awkwardly. She distracted herself by putting her combat boots on, tying them up slowly while she waited.

She looked over at Luke once she was done, and found him sporting a dazzling smile that made her blush even more so, if possible.

"Yeah," Luke said, grinning, his dimples deepening on his perfect skin. "I'd really like that."

wrapped around your finger

The walk to the coffee shop wasn't awkward, more like the awkward yet comfortable silence that everyone had at some point in their life. Like, someone says something and all you can do is reply with "Yeah," because you either don't know what they're talking about or you can't relate.

Yeah, that was definitely the silence between Luke and Lucia as they walked to their destination.

Lucia quickly stole a glance at Luke, careful so as to make sure that he didn't see her - because if he did, she'd just book it and run down the sidewalk and then crawl into a locker at the coffee shop until she evolved into a pile of dust.

She wouldn't lie - Luke looked good, as he did everyday, despite staying at her apartment. Luke had worn it last night, but, oh well. He was in his red flannel and black ripped-at-the-knees jeans, along with some converse. Of course he had a beanie on and sunglasses to make sure fans or paparazzi didn't come swarming in at the realization of his identity.

Unintentionally, Lucia started humming along to the one song - she just had to, really Lucia? -, She Looks So Perfect.

Luke stopped and Lucia walked ahead for a moment in the busy street before turning and looking back at him, where he was grinning like an idiot as Lucia furrowed her eyebrows. Then blushed, and squeaked a little once she realized what she had done.

"So I see you listen to us?" Luke asked excitedly Lucia. She nodded shyly.

Luke chuckled ('Damn it. Damn that laugh.' Lucia thought bitterly) and shook his head playfully as they began walking down the street again. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at Lucia, who was still blushing.

"You interest me more every day, you know that?" Luke said. Lucia sighed, a small smile gracing her face as she looked up at him, her gaze soft.

"I guess you could call it alluring you with my awkwardness." 

sorry it's so short omg

also sorry bc wattpad is messing up the chapters?? it's supposed to be chapter 6, not 7, sorrysorry

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