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The next morning was both hell and heaven to Lucia.

On the plus side, she didn't have to wake up early, and she was happy about not having to worry about being late to work, but on the other hand...

There was the night before.

It was weird for her to be upset, even in her eyes. She had asked a simple question and Luke had gladly - or at least she thought so - fulfilled it. And it was really nice, Lucia thought, and it was something she wanted again, and maybe in person the next time, and maybe he'd play with her hair and -

Her phone ringing interrupted her thoughts and Lucia picked it up. A text from Shea was shown across the screen, something about if Lucia needed anything from the gas station to which she replied with, "You're not coming over, I don't have enough energy for you."

Either way Lucia knew that Shea would be coming over.

That's why she decided to actually get up and get dressed in some white skinny jeans and a thin yet comfortable gray long-sleeved shirt along with some socks that had cats on them. Lucia didn't bother with her dark hair, and the second she stepped out of her room there was a knock on the door in the form of "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" from Frozen.

With a sigh, Lucia yelled, "It's open!" and Shea came stumbling in with a bag in hand and someone trailing behind her. It was Beau, one of Shea and her's other friends. He was a nice guy, and although a little offensive at times, he was protective over his friends and a usually happy guy.

"Honey, we're home!" Beau called from the doorway, rushing in the hug Lucia. She giggled and hugged him tightly as he lifted her off the ground and spun her around, but that ended up with her falling. He helped her up.

Shea handed Lucia a Mountain Dew - one of her favorite drinks - and she took it gladly. Shea just stood, a smug look on her face. Lucia squinted her eyes. "What are you thinking about?" She asked suspiciously, closing the cap on her drink.

Shea flipped her blonde hair and shook her head innocently, blinking her eyes repeatedly. "Oh, nothing. Just about what you and Luke might've done."

From the background, while flipping through cable channels, Beau said, "Wait, who's Luke? And why was I not aware of this 'Luke'?"

Lucia blushed immensely and didn't speak. Shea and Beau closed in on her, staring at her straight-faced as she tried to keep her own poker face on. It didn't last long though, as she started giggling and the other two smiled. She was like their little sister, and the sibling feeling between the three of them was mutual.

"Fine, fine." Lucia spoke, waving her hand. She first explained to Beau that Luke was the singer of one of the world's hottest bands - "Whoo, my little Lucy's moving up in the chain!" - and all the other details. Shea earned a few death glares with that.

"And then he came over, we watched Mean Girls, ate pancakes, and then I don't remember clearly what happened after that." Lucia shrugged, truthfully. She wouldn't be able to lie either way, she always got red-faced and fidgety when she lied.

"You're not telling us something," Shea spoke, raising her eyebrows. Lucia sighed, blushed, then sighed again.

"F-Fine. He stayed over, and I'm pretty sure we ended up cuddling or something in the night." Lucia finished, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. There was silence before Shea squealed and picked Lucia up from the couch and started spinning around with her.

"Do you realize what this means?" Beau screeched, getting up with them. Lucia was in between being scared and happy at the same time, as she thought she knew what her friends meant but she wasn't entirely sure, so she just shook her head.

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