Chapter Twenty Eight

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There was an air of ceremony in the way the Indigo's flocked to greet there master. Whether it was habit or instinct that called them to the lobby, I wasn't sure, but there was no mistaking the sombre air cloaking the congregation.

Jessica helped me to my feet, a reserved expression on her face. Without so much as a word I was led through to the entrance hall. Andrea, who'd paused in the doorway, followed behind, signing something cautiously to Vince who simply nodded and then whispered something in Michael's ear as if continuing a game of Chinese whispers. 

Jessica shut the lounge door and quite purposefully placed me in front of it. Her sharp indigo eyes darted between Michael and Vince in silent command. Vince nodded, the catalyst for Jessica to draw herself away without word.  I didn't have time to question her actions before Michael and Vince shadowed me, barring me from view. 

They were playing a game. 

And you, Evans, are their pawn. 

Andrea, Mack and Jessica all stood in a second defensive huddle at the foot of the stairs, preventing an escape upwards.Mack was peering intently between Andrea and Jessica as she signed something. Jessica was either translating or replying but all three faces told the same story; there was going to be trouble. Vince and Michael were still muttering to each other, so quietly and quickly it sounded like nonsense to me but perhaps the was the point. 

Maybe I was the queen and these were my pawns thinking for me. 

The smell of Kieran was intoxicating as it seeped gradually more heavily into the room. He was in invisible form, the potent nature of his scent telling me so. Back when we'd first met it was the same and I was somewhat relieved that at least something hadn't changed.

I dared to extended onto my tip toes to sneak a glance at the scene but was quickly reprehended. 

"Stay down Chris," Michael snapped just as the door was flung open. My breath caught in my throat and I recoiled, bumping the lounge door.

I heard the sound of laughter, loud, cheerful. There was a clatter of feet as Kieran and Anya entered the threshold. Kieran was apparently not mourning as a consequence of our argument, no trace of sadness in such laughter.  Anya's laugh was flirtatious and merry, almost melodic. I dug my teeth into my bottom lip to stop myself howling, the feeling of my heart shattering unbearable. 

This is what happens when you're foolish enough to make your heart vulnerable.

The sound of joy incarnate ceased, probably as Kieran noticed his family glaring at him with unmerciful eyes. His invisible cloak slipped to the floor, allowing me to breathe without choking.

"Welcome back Kieran, enjoy yourself?" asked Jessica. Her words were cool and accusing, frightening me so much so that I shrunk further back, almost slamming into the lounge door once again.

"Yes thanks. I have to say though, the welcome home party was a little unnecessary." I peeked through the slight gap between Michael and Vince's arms to see my boyfriend holding hands with another woman. Anya was gripping on to Kieran's arm like a smitten child, swathed around him like the viper she was. Kieran didn't seem to mind; he looked happy.

And I detested the sight of it. 

"This isny a party yae arse," Mack spat. Kieran didn't flinch at that, just stared at Mack blankly as if he hadn't even heard.

"What I think Mack means to say is that perhaps you have the wrong end of the stick. Our gathering is not in any sense a party but more of a friendly intervention." Kieran's eyes became slits, flicking from person to person. Anya rested her head protectively on Kieran's shoulder, her smile as fake as her facade. I prepared to say something but a gentle hand covered my mouth.

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